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第二讲矩阵的运算 复习: 一、加法。 二、数乘。 三、矩阵与矩阵相乘。 四、转置矩阵 新授: 五、方阵的行列式 定义由n阶方阵A的元素所构成的n阶行列式(各元素的位置不变),称为方阵A的行列式。记作A或detA (determinant)
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An interesting property of an M/M/ 1 queue, which greatly simplifies combining these queues into a network, is the surprising fact that the output of an M/M/ queue with arrival rate is a Poisson process of rate This is part of Burke's theorem, which follows from reversibility A Markov chain has the property that P[future present, past] P[future present] Conditional on the present state, future states and past states are independent
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一、填空题(满分15分) 1.已知P(B)=0.3,P(AB)=0.7,且A与B相互独立,则P(A)= 学 2.设随机变量X服从参数为的泊松分布,且P{X=0}=,则= 号: 3.设X~N(2,2),且P(2
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The causes of acceleration of a system--The first law of motion states that zero total force exists when the system has a constant velocity; a nonzero total force on the system causes its acceleration
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一、选择题 1.最初的计算机编程语言是a a机器语言b汇编语言 c高级语言d.低级语言 2.程序应该必须包含的部分是d a头文件b注释 c.高级语言d.数据结构和算法
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定理设A是数域K上的n阶方阵.如果A的特征值全属于K,则A在K上相似于 Jordan形矩阵,并且在不计 Jordan块顺序的意义下 Jordan形是唯一的. 证明:此定理就是上一定理用矩阵的语言叙述出来 Jordan标准形的计算方法:
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①野外操作码有1-3位,第一位是英文字母大小写等价,后面是范围为 0-99的数字,无意义的0可以省略,例如A和A00等价、F1和F01等价。 ②野外操作码后面可跟参数,如野外操作码不到3位,与参数间应有连接 符“-”,如有3位,后面可紧跟参数,参数有下面几种:控制点的点名;房屋的 层数;陡坎的坎高等。 ③野外操作码第一个字母不能是“P”,该字母只代表平行信息
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Term Structure models Blacks model is concerned with describing the probability distribution of a single variable at a single point in time a term structure model describes the evolution of the whole yield curve
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Derivatives Dependent on a single Underlying Variable Consider a variable, 0, (not necessarily the price of a traded security) that follows the process d e S Imagine two derivative s dependent on e with prices f, and f2. Suppose
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Binomial trees are frequently used to approximate the movements in the price of a stock or other asset In each small interval of time the stock price is assumed to move up by a proportional amount u or to move down by a proportional amount d Options
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