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三、多项选择题 (每题2分,共20分) 1、物流思想起源于: A美国B英国C日本D中国 2、以下哪些活动属于物流活动 A广告B质量检验C包装D库存
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1.会计准则是指会计人员应当遵守的准则。() 2.美国安然事件、中国的银广夏事件等都是因为会计准则不能适应经济环境的变化而造成3如果有一套完善的会计准则,会计信息质量就能够得到保证。()
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液蛋是鲜蛋经蛋壳处理、打蛋而得到 的蛋液。 美国鲜蛋总生产量的12%~15%被制 成蛋品销售,其中58%用于直接消费 ,其余制成冰蛋、干蛋等
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1 Introduction Background for New methodology Modern natural science methodology is mainly based on matter and energy Even though matter and energy are still necessitate factors in information system, yet the characteristic feature of information systems, particularly the complex ones, is neither matter nor energy but information Without information, the complex information systems, like brain and intelligent life. cannot be understood
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1 Fundamentals of Control Theory N. Wiener: Control theory in engineering, whether it is Concerned with Man, animal or machine, can only be regarded as a part of the theory of information [(G) Controller
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1. Information Processing Definition of Information processing All operations exerted to the information itself for its better utilization Information processing is necessary because most of the information in its original form may not be good for use. Thus information processing is the basis of later operations Two categories of information processing: 1)Shallow Level of Information Processing 2)Deeper level of Information Processing
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3-1 Measures of Random Syntactic Information Shannon Theory of Information Key point: 1. Information is something that can be used to remove uncertainty. 2. The amount of information can then be measured by the amount of uncertainty it removed. 3. In the cases of communications, only waveform is concerned while meaning and value are ignored. 4. Uncertainty and thus information are statistic in nature and statistical mathematics is enough
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1.1 Information science Definition of information Science Information Science is a trans-disciplinary science with information as its object in study; the laws in information process as its content information methodology as its approach; and the strengthening human information functions particularly the intellectual ability, as its goal
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胸部创伤 hest trauma 胸内脏器:肺和心脏大血管 胸内负压:-078~-0.98kPa(-8~-10cmH2O) 胸部伤后易发生呼吸和循环功能障碍 个平时多为交通事故伤 战时阵亡者约2%~27%死于胸部伤 美国每年15万人死于创伤,其中胸伤占25% 我国:
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