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4-1极坐标中的平衡微分方程 4-2极坐标中的几何方程及物理方程 4-3极坐标中的应力函数与相容方程 4-4应力分量的坐标变换式 4-5轴对称应力和相应的位移 4-6圆环或圆筒受均布压力压力隧洞
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2.1 scalar and vector quantities 1. scalar Physical concepts that require only one numerical quantity for their complete specification are scalar quantities. 2. vector Vector quantities require for their complete specification a positive quantity, called the magnitude of the vector and the direction otice:Not all things with a magnitude and direction are vectors
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如果扰动比一个简单声波强,其引起的波前就会比马赫波强产生一 个与来流夹角为β的斜激波,且β>μ。这一比较在图9.4中给出。然而, 斜激波产生的物理机理与上面描述的马赫波的产生完全相同
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§9-1 静电场中的导体 静电感应 §9-3 电介质的极化 §9-4 电介质中的电场 有电介质时的高斯定理 电位移 §9-5 电场的能量 §9-2 电容器 电容器的并联和串联
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1. Which of the following processes must violate the first law of thermodynamics?(There may be more than one answer!) ()W>0, 0, (C)W>0, 0, and AEint0,g>0,andEint<0
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Chapter 3 Kinematics I: rectilinear motion Motion implies change, and it is change make life-and physics-visible and interesting. Kinematics is the theory about the description of motion. Physical theories are creations of the human intellect; they must be invented rather than discovered
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2-1平面应力问题与平面应变问题 2-2平衡微分方程 2-3斜面上的应力主应力 2-4几何方程刚体位移 2-5物理方程 2-6边界条件 2-7圣维南原理 2-8按位移求解平面问题 2-9按应力求解平面问题。相容方程 2-10常体力情况下的简化 2-11应力函数逆解法与半逆解法
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which of the following quantities are independent of the choice of inertial frame? (There may be more than one correct answer) (A)Velocity (B)Acceleration (C)Force (D)Work Solution: In all the inertial frame, the forces acted on a body are same,=ma=F'=ma', therefore the force and acceleration are independent of the choice of inertial frame
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. The magnitude of the force of gravity between two identical objects is given by Fo. If the mass of each object is doubled but the distance between them is halved, then the new force of between the objects will be
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