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Any form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. U.S. advertisers spend in excess of $175 billion each year. Advertising is used by: – Business firms, –Nonprofit organizations, –Professionals
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Step 1. Identifying the Target Audience Step 2. Determining the Communication Objectives Buyer Readiness Stages
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The Business Market - all the organizations that buy goods and services to use in the production of other products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. Business markets involve many more dollars and items do consumer markets
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第一节资本成本 第三节杠杄利益与风险 第三节资本结构理论 第四节资本结构决策
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第一节对外长期投资的特点与原则 第二节对外直接投资 第三节对外证券投资 第四节证券投资组合
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第一节企业投资概述 第二节投资环境分析 第三节投资额的预测
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第一节企业筹资的动机与要求 第二节企业筹资的类型 第三节企业筹资环境 第四节筹资数量的预测
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第一节企北设立 第二节企北变更 第三节企北终止
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第一节营运资金的概念与特点 第二节企业筹资组合 第三节企业资产组合
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第一节 工商税制改革 第二节 农村税费制度改革 第三节 税收管理制度及其改革
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