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第二章作业题 1.给定BX=637DH,SI=2A9BH,偏移量D=7237H,试确 定在以下各种寻址方式下的有效地址是什么? (1)直接寻址 (2)使用BX的间接寻址 (3)使用BX的寄存器相对寻址 (4)基址变址寻址 (5)基址变址相对寻址
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虽然大多数网络的介质都是 3种可用的以太网形式中的一种,但令牌环在当今仍然占有一 席之地。不过,它不寻常的传输方式和非常规的 M A C地址表示法经常使许多工程师感到棘 手
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1、本试卷的试题中共有75个空格,需要全部解答,每个空格1分,满分75分。 2、每个空格对应一个序号,有A、B、C、D四个选项,请选择一个最恰当的选项作为解答
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■Define the address format,encapsulation,and intended use of the Intra-Site Auto- matic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)IPv6 transition technology. ■Describe how the IPv6 protocol in Windows Server2008 and Windows Vista supports ISATAP as a host and router. ■List and describe the routes on ISATAP hosts,ISATAP routers,and IPv6 routers that make ISATAP-based communication possible. Describe how ISATAP communication works between ISATAP hosts and native IPv6 hosts on an intranet. ■Describe how to configure a computer running Windows Server2O08 or Windows Vista as an ISATAP router
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第二章综合布线标准 本章学习目标 本章对常用的综合布线标准做了较为详尽的介绍.通过本章学习,读者应掌握以下内容: 一、568A标准中的布线体系结构组成 二、GB50311标准中的布线体系结构组成 三、类系统的主要技术指标 四、系统工程技术文档的组成
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在当今的市场上,对带宽的需求已经永远地超出了 5年前人们的想象力。以太网曾经是局 域网(L A N)中的主要介质。随着快速以太网和千兆以太网的发展,以太网已失去了往日雄 风,但可以肯定,以太网仍将继续成为局域网基础设施中的一种选择。而且,随着快速以太 网和千兆以太网对带宽需求的增加,对网络进行物理分段和逻辑分段仍然很必要
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Introduction This chapter describes the general concept of remote file access and reviews the concepts underlying a particular remote access mechanism Because the remote file access mechanism derives many ideas and details from the underlying OS, the chapter reviews the Linux file system and the semantics of file operations
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2.1 Principles of network applications 2.2 Web and HTTP 2.3 FTP 2.4 Electronic Mail v SMTP, POP3, IMAP 2.5 DNS 2.6 P2P file sharing 2.7 Socket programming with TCP 2.8 Socket programming with UDP 2.9 Building a Web server
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3-1 Introduction 3-2 Definition Architecture 3-3 Why have Architecture 3-10 3-5 Definition Architecture 3-6 The V.and X.standards 3-7 Advs and disadvs of standards 3-8 Communication Architecture 3-9 ISO Reference Model 3-4 Standards making org 3-11 Internet Architecture 3-12 Manufactures Architecture 3-13 A caveat about 3-14 Layered architecture
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■Describe the IPv6 address space,and state why the address length of128 bits was chosen. ■Describe IPve6 address syntax,including zero suppression and compression and prefixes. ■Enumerate and describe the function of the different types of unicast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe the format of multicast IPv6 addresses. ■Describe the function of anycast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe how IPve6 interface identifiers are determined. Describe how to perform bit-level subnetting on the subnet identifier portion of a unicast IPv6 address prefix
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