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#include int*pa(2F=(a(0],a[l]i printf(\这是一个指针数组初始化的程序例子!n\), printf(\请输入数组a的10个整数元素:mn”)
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#include void maino int i, *p, a[10] /指针指向数组a的首地址*
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#include int max(int a, int b) return a>b?a b int(°p) (int, int)
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What is Online Learning? In an online lesson, the computer displays material in response to a learner's request. The computer promotes the learner for more information and presents appropriate material based on the learners response. The material can be traditional lessons and tests that are transcribed into a computer program. The material can also be a complex program that tracks users'input and
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Who Is Eligible to Run for office there are few eligibility requirements to run for most U.S. offices President must be a natural born citizen must be 35 years old must be a resident of the country for 14 years before inauguration Vice President must be a natural born citizen must be 35 years old
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Three Systems of Government Unitary System-centralized government in which local governments exercise only those powers given to them by the central government Confederal System -consists of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign power Federal system-power is divided by a written constitution between a central government and
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1、企业安全文化 a、安全文化(概念、定义、层次结构、与安全教育、安全科学的关系,普及大众安全文化的重点,新世纪中国安全文化建设总原则) b、企业安全文化(定义、建设、形态、对象、建设模式(10 类)) c、公共安全文化(社区文化、交通文化、消防文化、休闲娱乐文化、保健文化) 2、安全的社会效应 a、安全与社会的稳定直接相关 b、安全工作的重要性及所面临的挑战 3、安全科学与社会科学 科学的概念、安全科学的概念、安全科学研究对象及主要内容 4、安全法规和法制 a、安全法规(本质、特征、法律规范、法律关系、法律责任、安全法规的功能分类与作用,和科学技术的关系) b、安全法制(安全法规的立法,安全监察机构的定位与建设,现行体制) c、安全生产及基本要求(安全生产方针、安全生产的 9 点要求)
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Aircraft Dynamics First note that it is possible to develop a very good approximation of a key motion of an aircraft(called the Phugoid mode) using a very simple balance between the kinetic and potential energies Consider an aircraft in steady, level fight with speed Uo and height ho The motion is perturbed slightly so that
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Teaching aims Have a general introduction about the course---a. what can students learn from le course b students' course evaluation 2. Have a general introduction about hotel and lodging industry
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IIts lmportance The f&B can account for 2/5 or more of a hotel's profit The f&b is such an indisputable part of a lotel that in China a hotel is called grand restaurant
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