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As the chilled foods market has expanded and become more competitive, so have the demands for diversity, quality and longer shelf-life. Meeting these demands in a responsible, safe and cost-effective manner requires the application of an understanding of the factors that affect product safety and quality. Many problems can be avoided by applying this knowledge to a formalised HACCP approach to identify critical control points relating to quality
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Chilled foods represent a large and rapidly developing market with an extremely wide range of food types. Traditionally these were simple meat, poultry, fish and dairy products but recent trends have moved towards a greater variety and more complex products (Stringer and Dennis 2000). As more innovative products are produced, the variety of ingredients have also increased. Many of these ingredients are sourced around the world and relatively little may be known about their
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The practice of measuring and keeping records of temperatures is not new to the food industry, and has been undertaken by certain sectors, e.g. canning, for many years. However, its widespread application in the refrigerated food sector, other han fitting temperature measurement equipment to chill stores, is relatively recent. The prime factor focusing attention on temperature monitoring was the concern about food poisoning and the introduction of new legislation covering
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Much poultry and red meat is sold in a chilled unprocessed state. However, an ncreasing proportion is used as a basic raw material for chilled meat products and ready meals. A growing trend is the development of added-value convenience meals, especially ethnic products, many of which are pre-or part-cooked and necessitate chilled storage. Many of these products contain meat as a key ingredient. This meat for further processing can be supplie
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Raw material selection- fruits and Ⅴ egetables L. Bedford, Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association 1.1 Introduction Fresh fruits and vegetables are utilised in a wide range of chilled products. They may be sold whole, or peeled (for example peeled potatoes and onions)or further prepared(e.g. carrot batons). After washing or further preparation they form ingredients for mixes such as mixed fruit or salad packs or for further
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一、危机处理的原则 及时、冷静、全面、准确、公正、灵活、公众、针对性等原则。 二、危机处理的对策 组织内部对策、受害者对策、新闻界对策
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名词解释 食品败坏果蔬加工质地因子果胶物质果蔬速冻最大冰晶形成带过冷点T、T、T理论 P、P、P理论单体速冻冷冻量均质脱气热灌装无菌包装芳香回收天然果蔬汁巴氏杀菌 果蔬预处理果汁粉带肉果汁2、真空度商业无菌2、过冷却现象直接接触冻结法间接接触冻结法
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第六章 交流电机绕组及其感应电动势 第七章 交流绕组的磁动势(交流电机的绕组及其磁势) 第八章 电机的发热和冷却
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第一节 烧伤(burn ) 一.概述 二.病理生理 三.伤情判断 四.现场急救与后送 五.烧伤病程及发展规律 六.烧伤休克 七.烧伤创面处理 八.烧伤感染 九.特殊原因烧伤及特殊部位烧伤 第二节 冻伤
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(1)淬火钢回火的组织转变过程和与之相对应的基本组织;(2)掌握并区分相 似名称的各种显微组织(如淬火马氏体和回火马氏体;奥氏体、过冷奥氏体和残 余奥氏体;索氏体和回火索氏体;屈氏体和回火屈氏体;平衡态a相和非平衡 态a相)
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