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凸透镜( convex lens)——边缘薄中间厚 的透镜。透镜折射率比周围介质大时,是会聚 透镜;反之是发散透镜。符号为1 凹透镜( concave lens)——边缘厚中间薄 的透镜,透镜折射率比周围介质大时,是发散 透镜;反之是会聚透镜。符号为I
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3.2.1插入图像 1.插入一般图像 (1)将光标放到要插入图像的位置。 (2)选择“插入”>“图像”命令,或单击“用子面板上的“图像”按钮,从下拉列表中选择“图像”,或按Ctrl+alt+I组合键。从弹出的“选择图像源”对话框中选择一幅图片
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一、试验地的选择(见上一章) 二、试验地的区划和标记 主要注意在进行试验地区化时要根据试验地面积、小区 大小、非试验条件差异状况、重复区、保护行等合理规划。 小区标记一般采用用罗马数字标明重复区(区组),下 角标处理代号,例如I2,Ⅳ等
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一,判断切换的准则是什么? (1)按接收信号载波电平的测量值进行判断; (2)按MS的载干比(即载波功率与干扰噪声的功率比,记为C/I进行判断; (3)按MS到BS的距离进行判断
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Flow control: end-to-end mechanism for regulating traffic between source and destination Congestion control: Mechanism used by the network to limit congestion The two are not really separable, and I will refer to both as flow control In either case, both amount to mechanisms for limiting the amount of traffic entering the network Sometimes the load is more than the network can handle Eytan Modiano
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一、矢量的环量 在场矢量A(空间中,取一有向闭合 △S=i△S 路径1,则称A(沿1积分的结果称为 矢量(r)沿1的环量。即:
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Utilitarianism Last time we considered three questions one might ask an ethical theory to answer i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understanding the\ought as a moral ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? 111) How do we know what is right and wrong? There are a variety of strategies for answering(iii). One might hold e. g. that moral truths are revealed by god and
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约束极值问题的算法 一、惩罚函数法(suMT) 1.问题:minf(x) s.t.g(x)≥0i=1,…,m minf(x) s.t.g(x)≥0这里g(x)=(g1(x),…,gm(x) min f() S.t.x∈D D={x|g(x)≥0}:可行点集或可行解集
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November 21, 2001 Ethical Egoism Here are three questions (of course there are others)we might want an ethical theory to answer for us: i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understandir the\ought\ as moral \ought\)? ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? ii)How do we know what is right and wrong? Remember that according to relativism, whether an action is right or wrong
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December 10. 2001 (Meta-Ethical Subjectivism(or Non-cognitivism) For the past couple of weeks we have been focusing on the following questions i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform? ii)What makes an action right or wrong? What about the action determines its moral status? Our third question has received less attention
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