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Objective-Determination- of realizable transfer function G() approximating a given frequency response specification is an important step in the development of a digital filter If an IIR filter is desired, G() should be a stable real rational function Digital filter design is the process of deriving the transfer function G
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1 The pulverizer We saw in lecture that the greatest common divisor(GCD)of two numbers can be written as a linear combination of them. That is, no matter which pair of integers a and b we are given, there is always a pair of integer coefficients s and t such that
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Sums, Approximations, and Asymptotics II Block Stacking How far can a stack of identical blocks overhang the end of a table without toppling over? Can a block be suspended entirely beyond the table's edge? Table Physics imposes some constraints on the arrangement of the blocks. In particular, the stack falls off the desk if its center of mass lies beyond the desk's edge. Moreover, the center of mass of the top k blocks must lie above the(k+1)-st block;
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Sums and Approximations When you analyze the running time of an algorithm, the probability some procedure succeeds, or the behavior of a load-balancing or communications scheme, you'll rarely get a simple answer. The world is not so kind. More likely, you'll end up with a complicated sum:
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共40分) 1.人体生理学的任务是阐明 D.正常人体功能活动的规律E.人体与环境之间的关系人体细胞的功能 A.人体物理变化的规律B.人体化学变化的规律C 2.细胞膜脂质双分子层中,脂质分子的亲水端 A.均朝向细胞膜的内表面B.均朝向细胞膜的外表面C.面对面地朝向双分子层的中央 D.都在细胞膜的内外表面E.外层的朝向细胞膜的外表面,内层的朝向双分子层的中央
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1 Introduction normally, a graph is a bunch of dots connected by lines. Here is an example of a graph
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1 Coloring Graphs Each term, the MIT Schedules Office must assign a time slot for each final exam. This is not easy, because some students are taking several classes with finals, and a student can take only one test during a particular time slot. The Schedules Office wants to avoid all conflicts, but to make the exam period as short as possible
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矩阵的相似对角化 一、矩阵与对角阵相似的条件: 设A与对角阵A相似,→存在一个n阶可逆阵P,使A=P-1AP
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第五节音位 音位是一种语言或方言中能区别意义的最小的语音单位。 一、音位的特征 例如:[a]】在汉语中不区别意义。 在法语中区别意义ptte(爪子)pate(浆糊) 1.音位是能区别意义的语音单位。 音素音质上的差别有两种性质: 一种是对立性差别汉语的/p/一/p/法语的/a/—ㄧ 一种是非对立性差别汉语的/a/—英语的/p//p/ 2音位是最小的语音单位。 3.音位总是属于某种特定的语言或方言的
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1 Strong Induction Recall the principle of strong induction: Principle of Strong Induction. Let(n) be a predicate. If ·P() is true,and for all n, P(O)A P(1)...A P(n) implies P(n+1), then P() is true for all n E N. As an example, let's derive the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
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