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1.二部门 三部门国民收入均衡水平的条件 2.二部门 三部门国民收入均衡水平的决定 3.乘数原理 4.“ 节俭之谜
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引例 2002年6月,我国A公司与外国B公司签订了一项出口货物合同 ,双方在合同的装运条款中约定装运期为8月,并以信用证方 式结算货款。合同签订后,由于我国A公司没有及时组织好货 源,致使货物于10月11日才备妥,并委托我国的海上运输C公 司装船,但A公司并未及时将此情况与外国B公司取得联系, 而是要求运输C公司仍按2002年8月的日期签发海运提单,并 凭此提单及相关单据议付了全部货款
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6 月 17 日,河南省唐河县人民法院依法审结一起儿童踢伤儿童引发的民事 赔偿案。被告段小杰及所在的幼儿园被判共同向原告段小举赔偿经济损失近 3 万元。 原告段小举和被告段小杰年均五岁,2006 年 10 月 20 日中午放学时,小举、 小杰和幼儿园同班同学一起在老师的指挥、带领下,排好队准备到学校大门口等 待家长们来接。队伍行进中,走在后面的小举认为小杰走的太慢,就从后面推了 小杰一下,小杰回头踢了一脚
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第一节国际贸易政策概述 第二节自由贸易政策与保护贸易政策 第三节当代发展中国家的对外贸易发展战略 第四节中国的对外贸易政策
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引例: 2001年11月我国正式加入世界贸易组织,我国 承诺在以下服务贸易领域对外开放:特许经营、交 通、仓储、货运代理、海上运输、邮递服务、通信 和互联网、银行金融、保险、证券、资产管理、专 业服务、企业服务、音像、建筑业、旅游业、教育 等。我国服务业正在按照承诺的时间表逐步对外开 放。国外服务行业众多企业纷纷涌进中国,对国内 服务行业构成了很大的竞争和挑战
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The Market Forces of Supply and Demand Supply and demand are the two words that economists use most often. Supply and demand are the forces that make market economies work. Modern microeconomics is about supply, demand, and market equilibrium
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Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc. Interdependence and Trade Consider your typical day: You wake up to an alarm clock made in Korea. You pour yourself some orange juice made from oranges grown in Florida. You put on some clothes made of cotton grown in Georgia and sewn in factories in Thailand. You watch the morning news broadcast from New York on your TV made in Japan
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The Law of Supply: uFirms are willing to produce and sell a greater quantity of a good when the price of the good is high. uThis results in a supply curve that slopes upward
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Do the equilibrium price and quantity maximize the total welfare of buyers and sellers? Market equilibrium reflects the way markets allocate scarce resources. Whether the market allocation is desirable is determined by welfare economics
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Market Efficiency - Market Failures Recall that: Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of the marketplace leads self￾interested buyers and sellers in a market to maximize the total benefit that society can derive from a market
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