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The role of Mg in alloy/718 has been systematically investigated. Mg raises not only high temperature tensile and stress-rupture ductilities but also increases considerably smooth and notch stress-rupture life. Mg containing alloy 718M is free of stress-rupture notch sensitivity. Mg improves creep and fatigue interaction properties (LCF or cyclic stress rupture) at any grain size. The basic role of Mg is equilibrium segregation at grain boundaries which helps to change continuous grain beundary (5-Ni3Nb morphology to discrete globular form which has a retardation effect on intergranular fracture. Mg promotes the change from intergranular to transgranular fracture mode
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In this paper the phase diagrams of LaCl3-LiCl and CeCl3-LiCl systems have been experimentally determined and theoretically calculated. Bath are simple eutectic systems. The eutectic points are at 25mol% LaCl3, 508℃ and 27mol% CeCl3, 494℃, respectively. The optimized phase diagrams and thermodynamical data of LaCl3-LiCl and CeCl3-LiCl systems with self consistency are a better basis for constructing ternary phase diagrams
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1-3:单片机与普通计算机的不同之处在于其将( )( )和( )三部分集成于一块芯片上。 答:CPU、存储器、I/O 口 1-8:8051 与 8751 的区别是: A、内部数据存储但也数目的不同 B、内部数据存储器的类型不同 C、内部程序存储器的类型不同 D、内部的寄存器的数目不同 答:C
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24-1 Two kinds of processes and entropy 24-2 Entropy change for reversible processes 24-3 Entropy change for irreversible processes 24-4 The second law of thermodynamics 24-5 Entropy and the performance of engines 24-6 Entropy and the performance of refrigerators 24-8 The second law revisited 24-9 A statistical view of entropy
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一、 问答题(3 小题,共 19.0 分) (7 分)[1]以车削 45 钢为例,试分析切削用量三要素 V、f、 p对刀具耐用度 T 的不同影响。 (6 分)[2]加工下述零件,以 B 面定位,加工表面 A,保证尺寸 10+0.2mm,试画出尺寸链并求出工序尺寸 L 及公差
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Ⅰ.重庆园林植物名录 A 蕨类植物门 ……………………………………………………………………………… 1~8 1 石松科 Lycopodiaceae ……………………………………………………………………. 1 2 卷柏科 Selaginellaceae ……………………………………………………………………. 1 3 木贼科 Equisetaceae ……………………………………………………………………….. 1 4 观音座莲科 Angiopterdaceae …………………………………………………………….. 1
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The important of acid-base reaction: 1. is a simple, fundamental reaction. 2. enable you to see the mechanism of the reaction 3. illustrate the process of bond breaking and bond making 4. examine important ideas about the relationship between the structure of molecules and their reactivity
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Meaning of Money As the word money is used in everyday conversation, it can mean many things, but to economists, it has a very specific meaning. To avoid confusion, we must clarify how economists’ use of the word money. Economists define money (money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. 货币(货币供应)定义为在商品和劳务或债务偿 还中被普遍接受的任何东西
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小波是近十几年才发展起来并迅速应用到图像处理和语音分析等众多领域的一种数学 工具,是继 110 多年前的傅立叶(Joseph Fourier)分析之后的一个重大突破,无论是对古老的 自然学科还是对新兴的高新技术应用学科都产生了强烈冲击。 小波理论是应用数学的一个新领域。要深入理解小波理论需要用到比较多的数学知识
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