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第一节 概述 红外吸收光谱产生的条件和谱带强度 分子中基团的基本振动形式 第四节 红外光谱仪
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第一节 细胞的化学与分子组成 第二节 细胞的形成与进化 第三节 原核细胞和真核细胞
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UME's- Advantages Reduced capacitance Low ir drop
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Q: What Experiment is This? Excitation Name of experimenttype of excitation time
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General Approach to Electrochemical Experiments Identify assumptions Ditusion- ass tran sort +Identify suitable boundary conditions Solye linear diffusion equation (Fick's 2nd law -use Laplace transtorm
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Net flow of electrons from MNet flow of electrons from to solute solute to m .Ef more negative than Eredox more positive than Eredox more cathodic more anodic
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第一节 配位滴定法的基本原理 第二节 配位滴定条件的选择
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§3.1酸碱溶液中[H+]的计算 §4.2 酸碱指示剂 §3.6 酸碱滴定曲线和指示剂的选择 §4.4 终点误差 §3.8 酸碱滴定法的应用
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Junction potentials Whenever we change electrolyte or solvent there is a cost in that we create a double layer (electrode)which has a small but often measureable potential We call this potential a junction potential
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石河子大学:《仪器分析》课程教学资源(授课教案)气相色谱分析法 GC
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