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内部控制的概念及其发展历程 内部会计控制及其应用 财产清查的意义、种类和盘存制度 财产清查的方法与应用
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第一节会计对象 一、会计对象的一般概念 会计所反映和监督的内容(客体)。 社会再生产过程中的资金运动
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14.1 Distinction Between Forward & Futures Contracts 14.2 The Economic Function of Futures Markets 14.3 The Role of Speculators 14.4 Relation Between Commodity Spot & Futures Prices 14.5 Extracting Information from Commodity Futures Prices 14.6 Forward-Spot Price Parity for Gold 14.7 Financial Futures 14.8 The “Implied” Riskless Rate 14.9 The Forward Price is not a Forecast of the Spot Price 14.10 Forward-Spot Price- Parity with Cash Payouts 14.11 “Implied” Dividends 14.12 The Foreign-Exchange Parity Relation 14.13 The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates
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13.1 The Capital Asset Pricing Model in Brief 13.2 Determining of the Risk Premium on the Market Portfolio 13.3 Beta and Risk Premiums on Individual Securities 13.4 Using the CAPM in Portfolio Selection 13.5 Valuation & Regulating Rates of Return
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第一节会计工作组织的基本内容 一、会计工作组织的含义 根据会计管理活动特点,设置会计机构,配备会计人员和制定会计制度等向工作所做的统筹安排。 二、组织会计工作的意义
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– 会计概述 – 会计目标 – 会计假设与会计基础 – 会计对象与会计要素 – 会计信息质量要求 – 会计的基本程序与方法
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11.1 Using Forward & Futures Contracts to Hedge Risks 11.2 Hedging Foreign-Exchange Risk with Swap Contracts 11.3 Hedging Shortfall-Risk by Matching Assets to Liabilities 11.4 Minimizing the Cost of Hedging 11.5 Insuring versus Hedging 11.6 Basic Features of Insurance Contracts 11.7 Financial Guarantees 11.8 Caps & Floors on Interest Rates 11.9 Options as Insurance 11.10 The Diversification Principle 11.11 Insuring a Diversified Portfolio
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10.1 What is Risk? 10.2 Risk and Economic Decisions 10.3 The Risk-Management Process 10.4 The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer 10.5 Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency 10.6 Institutions for Risk Management 10.7 Portfolio Theory: Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management 10.8 Probability Distributions of Returns 10.9 Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk
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课程简介 《基础会计》课程是一门专业基础课,是会计学科的入门课程,也是学习其他经济管理 类课程的必备知识 《基础会计》课程将全面系统地介绍会计的基本理论、基本技术和基本方法。全书共十 六章,课堂讲授的内容有十二章,包括:第一章总论;第二章会计要素与会计等式;第三章 会计核算基础;第四章账户与复式记账;第五章制造业企业主要经济业务的核算;第七章成 本计算:第八章会计凭证;第九章会计账簿;第十章财产清查:第十一章财务报告:第十二 章会计核算组织程序;第十六章会计工作组织
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1、项目的立项依据 原发性肝癌是高度恶性的肿瘤,尽管采取积极手术治疗,但绝大多数病人仍难免死 于肿瘤复发及转移,其死亡率高居我国肿瘤死亡率的第二位。研究已表明肝癌的发生乙 肝、丙肝感染及摄入黄曲霉素污染的食物有密切关系, 其发生发展与多种癌基因过度表 达,以及肿瘤抑制基因失活密切相关
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