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1、资本主义经济危机的实质生产相对过剩的危机。 2、生产相对过剩生产出来的商品超过了劳动人民有支付能力的需求从而引起的过剩。 3、资本主义经济危机的根源资本主义基本矛盾
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1、资本主义劳动过程的有何特点? 2、什么是剩余价值? 3、资本主义剥削的秘密是什么? 4、工人的工作日由哪几部分组成? 5、资本主义的基本经济规律是什么?
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The Normal Distribution: the distribution of a continuous r.v. whose value depends on a number of factors, yet no single factor dominates the other. 1. Properties of the normal distribution: 1)The normal distribution curve is symmetrical around its mean valueu. 2)The PDF of the distribution is the highest at its mean value but tails off at its extremities
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12.1 The Nature of Autocorrelation 1. Definition (1) CLRM assumption: No autocorrelation exist in dishurbances ui; E(iμi)=0 Autocorrelation means: E(μiμ)≠0 (2) Autocorrelation is usually associated with time series data, but it can also occur in cross-sectional data, which is called spatial correlation
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Definition (1) Econometrics: economic measurement. (2) Econometrics: the social science in which the tools of economic theory, mathematics, and statistical inference are applied to the analysis of economic phenomena. (3) Econometrics: the result of a certain outlook on the role of economics, consists of the application of mathematical statistics to economic data to lend
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本章涉及两个主要问题:公共产品的供给效 率问题和公共产品的供给价格问题。公共产 品由谁来供给效率高,反之有谁来供给会造 效率或福利的损耗。公共产品供给价格如何 管理与确定,才不致损害消费者利益,还要 使生产者在提供公共产品时有效率。本章主 要应掌握的是:1、供给主体;2、供给均衡 ;3、供给定价
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本案例以上海某柴油机厂某车间某年某月所需3种2mm厚度的板材零件下 料为例,说明线性规划在下料中的应用及其在提高材料利用率方面所能产生的显 著经济效益。同时,该案例所介绍的工作流程还是一种非常简单实用、便于操作、 效果良好的板材下料优化方法,可供各企业在生产中参考运用
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Policy analysis is hard Why is it so hard to tell what's going on with government actions? Consider lowering income tax rates. Will lowering taxes increase work effort and labor supply? · Unlike the physical and natural sciences, difficult to perform carefully controlled experiments on the economy
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Basic Structure Fiqure 15.1 shows the series of steps used to compute a person's tax liability. Step 1: Compute Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Step 2: Convert AG/ into taxable income by subtracting exemptions and deductions Step 3: Compute tax due by applying a rate schedule, and subtracting tax credits
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1、投票论:(又称阿罗悖论)所谓投票悖论就是指如果存在着至少三个可由社会成员以任何方式自由排序的备选方案进行投票选择,可能会出现循环的选择结果的情况。 2、峰值:是指如果把关于公共产品量或公共支出量的议案按顺序,比如按数量大小排列,则其中必有一种议案所获得的偏好较大,这种偏好较大的议案称为峰值
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