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 8.1 Using Present Value Formulas to Value Known Flows  8.2 The Basic Building Blocks: Pure Discount Bonds  8.3 Coupon Bonds, Current Yield, and Yield-to-Maturity  8.4 Reading Bond Listings  8.5 Why Yields for the same Maturity Differ  8.6 The Behavior of Bond Prices Over Time
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 7.1 The relationship between an asset’s value & its price  7.2 Value maximization & financial decisions  7.3 The law of one price & arbitrage  7.4 Arbitrage & the law of one price  7.5 Interest rates & the law of one price  7.6 Exchange rates & triangular arbitrage  7.7 Valuation using comparables  7.8 Valuation Models  7.9 Accounting measures of value  7.10 How information is reflected in security prices  7.11 The efficient markets hypothesis
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实验目的 1、学会用 Matlab求简单微分方程的解析解. 2、学会用Matlab求微分方程的数值解. 实验内容 1、求简单微分方程的解析解 2、求微分方程的数值解 3、数学建模实例
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实验目的 1、直观了解统计基本内容。 2、掌握用数学软件包求解统计问题。 实验内容 1、统计的基本理论。 2、用数学软件包求解统计问题。 3、实验作业
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 4.1 compounding  4.2 the frequency of compounding  4.3 present value and discounting  4.4 alternative discounted cash flow decision rules  4.5 multiple cash flows  4.6 annuities  4.7 perpetual annuities  4.8 loan amortization  4.9 exchange rates and time value of money  4.10 inflation and discounted cash flow analysis  4.11 taxes and investment decision
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 3.1 Functions of Financial Statements  3.2 Review of Financial Statement  3.3 Market values v. Book Values  3.4 Accounting v. Economic Measures of Income  3.5 Return on Shareholders v. Return on Book Equity  3.6 Analysis Using Financial Ratios  3.7 The Financial Planning Process  3.8 Constructing a Financial Planning Model  3.9 Growth & the Need for External Financing  3.10 Working Capital Mgmt.  3.11 Liquidity & Cash Mgmt
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 2.1 What is a Financial System?  2.2 The Flow of Funds  2.3 The Functional Perspective  2.4 Financial Innovation & the “Invisible Hand”  2.5 Financial Markets  2.6 Financial Market Rates  2.7 Financial Intermediaries  2.8 Financial Infrastructure and Regulation  2.9 Governmental & Quasi- Governmental Organizations
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第一节会计核算组织程序概述 一、会计核算组织程序的意义 (一)会计核算组织程序的基本含义 会计主体采用的会计凭证、账簿、报表的种类和格式与记账程序相互结合的方式
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一、筹集资金核算 二、供应过程核算 三、生产过程核算 四、销售过程核算 五、利润的形成与分配的核算
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第一节财产清查概述 一、财产清查的意义 (一)财产清查的含义 根据账簿记录,对企业的财产物资等进行盘点或核对,查明各项财产的实存数与账面结存数是否相符,为编制会计报表提供信息的一种专门方法
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