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Progress reports are essential Often part of Provide precise scheduled deliverables technical description Maintain contact with of work as project funding Sources develops and/or industry partners, and changes
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Quick review 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see 2. Plan the sequence and directionality 3. Think about the focal point of the graphic 4. Integrate labels units of measurement. and information
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Experiment Step Experiment produces \raw data? In measured units(volts, seconds, Ibs, .... Organization determined by recording method (notebook, tabular form, database,....) · Take data early to check-out- experiment Do some \quick data reduction/analysis\ during
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Why search (and cite) the literature of your field? Credibility: To be sure that your work is based on current, sound researchthe-- best in your field. Focus: To be able to place your work in context. Efficiency: To be sure that you're not duplicating work
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BASIS FOR MEASUREMENT Whatever exists, exists in some amount Our goals: Measure the appropriate quantity, Measure with the appropriate accuracy, to allow us to assess our hypothesis Some questions:
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Topics Grading rubrics for written proposals Content Communication Grading distribution between content and communication Dealing with multiple graders Division of work within teams
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DEFINITION OF A HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis A tentative explanation that accounts for facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption .Experiment test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate
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Prof. Ed Greitzer Prof. Earll Murman \The course faculty is responsible for the structuring of the subject and the development of the learning objectives, subject content and assessment tools. The course faculty will lead all class and team meetings and grade all written and oral material. The course faculty, together with input from the 16.62x staff and Writing Program Instructor, are responsible for assessing
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一、李的栽培历史: 李子栽培在我国已有3000年以上的历史。 《齐民要术》中记载李子品种31个,其中郁黄李、 牛心李、紫李、青李等近20个品种至今仍在各地沿 用。中国李原产中国,西汉时已传到日本、伊朗等 国,后又流传到意大利、德国、法国等欧美诸国。 19世纪中期,美国传教士把欧洲李引到中国
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一 、SA系统简介 SA是Statistical Analysis System”的缩写,是一个用来管理分析数据和编写报告 的组合软件系统。其基本部分是SAS/BASE软件。1966年,美国 North Carolina州立大学 开始开发SAS统计软件包,1976年该系统完成同时成立SAS研究所
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