Introduction to 16.62X 16621
Introduction to 16.62X 16.621
Course Faculty Prof John Deyst Prof Ed Greitzer Prof Earll Murman The course faculty is responsible for the structuring of the subject and the development of the learning objectives, subject content, and assessment tools. The course faculty will lead all class and team meetings and grade all written and oral material. the course faculty together with input from the 1662x staff and Writing Program Instructor, are responsible for assessing your progress towards meeting the class learning objectives. Source: 1662X Syllabus
Course Faculty Prof. John Deyst Prof. Ed Greitzer Prof. Earll Murman “The course faculty is responsible for the structuring of the subject and the development of the learning objectives, subject content, and assessment tools. The course faculty will lead all class and team meetings and grade all written and oral material. The course faculty, together with input from the 16.62x staff and Writing Program Instructor, are responsible for assessing your pro gress towards meeting the class learning objectives.” Source: 16.62X Syllabus
Writing program faculty Jennifer Lynn Craig The writing program instructor is responsible for organizing and running the communications content of 1662X and for evaluating all Phase ll papers. She contributes evaluations and commentary on oral and written assignments submitted for 1662X and is available to all students for individual or team consultations In addition she teams with the course faculty for the development of all aspects of the subject, with a particular focus on communications aspects. " Source: 1662X Syllabus
Writing Program Faculty Jennifer Lynn Craig “The writing program instructor is responsible for organizing and running the com munications content of 16.62X and for evaluating all Phase II papers. She contributes evaluations and com mentary on oral and written assignments submitted for 16.62X and is available to all students for individual or team consultations. In a ddition, s he teams with the course faculty for the development of all aspects of the subject, with a particular focus on com m u nications aspects.” Source: 16.62X Syllabus
Technical staff The technical staff will assist you with the use of laboratory and shop equipment, ordering materials, and the solution of technical problems they are a very knowledgeable and valuable resource. All past 1662x classes have found them enormously helpful. Use them.' Source: 16.62X Syllabus
Technical Staff “The technical staff will assist you with the use of laboratory and shop equipment, ordering materials, and the solution of technical problems. They are a very kno wled geable and valuable resource. All past 16.62X classes have found them enormously helpful. Use them.” Source: 16.62X Syllabus
Teaching assistants 16.62x has recent 16.622 graduates serving as teaching assistants for the course. The tAs are available to help you plan and execute your project. Having recently been"in the trenches, the TAs will be uniquely able to assist you with a variety of issues from understanding the course objectives through directing you to the appropriate laboratory staff member to solve a difficult instrumentation problem. The tAs will also grade your notebooks and will provide a student viewpoint in all 1662x staff meetings. Source: 1662X Syllabus
Teaching Assistants “16.62x has recent 16.622 graduates serving as teaching assistants for the course. The TAs are available to help you plan and execute your project. Having recently been “in the trenches,” th e TAs will b e uniq u ely able to assist you with a variety of issues from understanding the course objectives through directing you to the appropriate laboratory staff member to solve a difficult instrumentation problem. The TAs will also grade your notebooks and will provide a student viewpoint in all 16.62X staff meetings.” Sou rce: 16.62X Syllabus
Your 16.62X journey 16.621-SP03 16.622-F03 Task Due K Task Due Select Partner, Implement Phase Project Advisor Construct Apparatus and/or write Software Conceive phase Calibrate Background, Overview Take Preliminary data Hy pothesis, Objective(s), Prop Ver 1 5 Pro Dg Success Criteria Literature review Prop Rept 7 Technical Approach Ver 2 Operate Phase 780 Collect Data 8 Spring Break(Sun! Reduce data Design Phase Oral Check For Validity Experimental Design Prop Data Analysis Last Day to Take Data Project Planning Report Phase Needed Facilities Space Analyze Data Oral Engineering Drawings Assess Hypothesis Rept and/or Psuedo code 15 Prop Report Results in Form Proposal Accepted-Onto 622 15/Suitable for submission Final Detailed Parts List Ver 3 to Student Conference Rept Proposal Not Accepted-l Optional- Conference Pub
Your 16.62X Journey 16.621 - SP03 16.622 - F03 Report Pha se Analyze Data Assess Hypothesis Report Res ults in Form Suitable for submission to Student Conference 10 Oral Prop 2 Select Partner, Project & Advisor Wk Task Due 4 Conceive Phase Bac kground, Overview Hypothesis, O bjective(s), Success Criteria Prop Ver 1 7 Literature Review Technical Approach Prop Ver 2 8 Spring Break (Sun!) Design Phase Experimental Design Data Analysis Project Planning Nee d e d Facilities & Space Engineering Drawings and/or Psuedo Code 15 Detailed Parts List Prop Ver 3 Proposal Accepted -Onto 622 Wk Task Due Implement Phase Construct Apparatus and/or Write Software Calibrate Take Preliminary data 5 Oral Prog Rept 11 Last Day to Take Data Operate Phase Collect Data Reduc e Data Check For Validity 13 Oral Rept Final Rept 15 Proposal Not Accepted - I Optional - Conference Pub