How writers and speakers plan communication strategy audience analysis skills
How writers and speakers plan communication strategy Audience analysis skills
Writer 's or Audience Information speaker s analysis Communication strategy purpose What? Why? To whom? MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Information + Writer’s or speaker’s + purpose Audience analysis = Communication strategy What? Why? To whom? MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2
Audience analysis elements know four key facts about readers and listeners Consider the level of technical expertise of our audience Understand why they are reading then... plan communication strategy and information organization MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Audience analysis elements • Know four key facts about readers and listeners. • Consider the level of technical expertise of your audience. • Understand why they are reading. then. . . plan communication strategy and information organization. MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs 3
4 key facts about how readers and listeners absorb information An audience creates An audience has finite meaning bit by bit and resources for reacts moment comprehension moment 1. e. The energy that it takes to focus, to decipher An audience is influenced language or symbols y surroundings, reduces the ability to -by beliefs and values comprehend by prior experiences An audience absorbs by roles and information visually as responsibilities well as textual MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
4 key facts about how readers and listeners absorb information1 • An audience creates meaning bit by bit and reacts moment by moment. • An audience is influenced -by surroundings, -by beliefs and values, -by prior experiences, -by roles and responsibilities. • An audience has finite resources for comprehension. – i.e. The energy that it takes to focus, to decipher language or symbols reduces the ability to comprehend. • An audience absorbs information visually as well as textually. MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and 4 Astronauti cs
Readers and listeners different levels of technical expertise Experts(general and Decision-makers specilic managers General experts: extensive People who make choices, implement knowledge of a field but may be plans administer budgets manas unfamiliar with specific details in a resources and people sub-specialty Specific experts: extensive knowledge of a field and specific. Laypeople knowledge about a sub-specialty People who dont have the specific knowledge of an expert or Technicians a technician People who construct, operate and fix objects and systems MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Readers and listeners = different levels of technical expertise 2 • Experts (general and specific) - General experts: extensive knowledge of a field but may be unfamiliar with specific details in a sub-specialty. - Specific experts: extensive knowledge of a field and specific knowledge about a sub-specialty. • Technicians - People who construct, operate, and fix objects and systems. • Decision-makers, managers - People who make choices, implement plans, administer budgets, manage resources and people. • Laypeople - People who don’t have the specific knowledge of an expert or a technician. MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and 5 Astronauti cs
Technical level- different purposes in reading/listening Experts · Decision- makers -maintain and expand expertise managers evaluate a document' s validity to make a decision to assess or credibility obtain specific current situation to maintain answers to their own research their level of expertise: to Technicians and other evaluate projects and support staff employees learn how to perform a task: to laypeople solve a problem to learn about to make decisions as a citizen new devices and procedures consumer and investor: to learn absorb knowledge helpful to how to do something to expand their tasks general knowledge to become an expert MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Technical level= different purposes in reading/listening • Experts -maintain and expand experti se; evaluat e a document’s validity or credibility; obtain specific answers to their own research • Technicians and other support staff - learn how to perform a task; to solve a problem; to learn about new devices and procedures; absorb knowledge helpful to their tasks • Decision-makers, managers - to make a decision, to assess current situation, to maintain their level of expertise; to evaluat e projects and employees • Laypeople - to make decisions as a citizen, consumer, and investor; to learn how to do something; to expand general knowledge; to become an expert MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and 6 Astronauti cs
Consider demographics Age, sex Political position International or ethnic Economic level identity Reading style/graphic Educational level style Values ° Affinity group MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Consider demographics. • A g e, s ex • International or ethnic identity • Educational level • V a l u es • Political position • Economic level • Reading style/graphic style • Affinity group MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and 7 Astronauti cs
Think about context or current situation too are your readers/listeners from other cultures or ethnic backgrounds? Economic situation of your audience Political situation of your audience? MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Think about context or current situation, too. • Are your readers/listeners from other cultures or ethnic backgrounds? • Economic situation of your audience? • Political situation of your audience? MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs 8
Information organization choice of communication form= strategy Information organization when data is organized into a pattern that makes sense to e reader Sequence: where the reader needs to begin Density the level of technical detail Rate: the speed at which the technical details are presente MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Information organization + choice of communication form = strategy • Information organization:when data is organized into a pattern that makes sense to the reader. – Sequence: where the reader needs to begin – Density: the level of technical detail – Rate: the speed at which the technical details are presented MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs 9
Form of communication The choice of communication form is based on the conventions in your field and your audience analysis E.g. a group of laypeople might not use a technical report but would find a press release or brochure useful But an expert would not prefer the press release or brochure but would want to see the technical report MIT Department of Aeronautics and astronautics
Form of communication • The choice of communication form is based on the conventions in your field and your audience analysis. – E.g. A group of laypeople might not use a technical report but would find a press release or brochure useful. – But an expert would not prefer the press release or brochure but would want to see the technical report. MIT Departm ent of Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs 10