WELCOME TO 16.621/622 (and some comments on how to succeed
1 WELCOME TO 16.621/622 (and some comments on how to succeed)
Some Questions Team selection process? Project selection process? Advisers can commit to projects Tuesday after 4 pm A Requirement Photos
2 • Some Questions – Team selection process? – Project selection process? – Advisers can commit to projects Tuesday after 4 pm • A Requirement – Photos
TODAYS TOPICS Status check, photo opportunity Course goal and course learning objectives Some comments on the research process The research " catechism The 1662x cycle(16.62x Syllabus) Our thoughts on progress and achievement in 1662X
3 TODAY’S TOPICS • Status check, photo opportunity • Course goal and course learning objectives • Some comments on the research process – The research “catechism” • The 16.62x cycle (16.62x Syllabus) • Our thoughts on progress and achievement in 16.62x
QUOTES FROM THE SYLLABUS First and foremost this is your project. You choose the topic and advisor.” Your responsibility is to define an experimental program, develop a hypothesis, objective statement(s), and success criteria consistent with the definition of the problem” One role of the course staff is to help in this process We will ask for feedback about how well we are doing
4 QUOTES FROM THE SYLLABUS • “First and foremost this is your project. You choose the topic and advisor.” • “Your responsibility is to define an experimental program, develop a hypothesis, objective statement(s), and success criteria consistent with the definition of the problem” • One role of the course staff is to help in this process • We will ask for feedback about how well we are doing
GOAL FOR 16.62X The goal of 1662X is to enable you to master the relevant methods, processes and techniques necessary for conceiving, designing implementing, operating, and documenting an experimental project that addresses the investigation of a hypothesis
5 GOAL FOR 16.62X The goal of 16.62X is to enable you to master the relevant methods, processes and techniques necessary for conceiving, designing, implementing, operating, and documenting an experimental project that addresses the investigation of a hypothesis
16.62X AND INSTITUTE REQUIREMENTS Institute Laboratory Requirement (satisfied by 622)for conducting an experiment dealing with phenomena of the natural world and testing(assessing) a hypothesis Phase ll writing requirement can be satisfied by final 16.621 project proposal (or solely authored 622 report) Grade of B-or better is necessary
6 16.62X AND INSTITUTE REQUIREMENTS • Institute Laboratory Requirement (satisfied by 622) for conducting an experiment dealing with phenomena of the natural world and testing (assessing) a hypothesis • Phase II writing requirement can be satisfied by final 16.621 project proposal (or solely authored 622 report) – Grade of B- or better is necessary
LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the 1662X cycle you will be able to: Formulate the overall objectives and success criteria for an experimental assessment of a hypothesis about the natural world Develop, as a two-person team, strategy and tactics for design of an experiment and data analysis to achieve these objectives Implement, as a two-person team, the detailed experiment design and data analysis Execute, as a two-person team, an experiment which will successfully assess a defined hypothesis Effectively communicate, orally and in writing the key aspects of the project, from concept to end goal
7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the 16.62X cycle you will be able to: • Formulate the overall objectives and success criteria for an experimental assessment of a hypothesis about the natural world • Develop, as a two-person team, strategy and tactics for design of an experiment and data analysis to achieve these objectives • Implement, as a two-person team, the detailed experiment design and data analysis • Execute, as a two-person team, an experiment which will successfully assess a defined hypothesis • Effectively communicate, orally and in writing, the key aspects of the project, from concept to end goal
Your 16.62X Journey 16.621-SP03 16.622-F03 Wk Task Due WK Task Due 2 Select Partner, Implement Phase Project Advisor Construct Apparatus and/or Write Software Conceive phase Calibrate Background, Overview Take Preliminary data Hypothesis, objective(s), Prop 5 Prog Success Criteria er 1 Literature review Prop Rept 7 Technical Approach Ver 2 Operate Phase Collect Data 8 Spring Break(Sun!) Reduce data Design Phase Check For Validity 10 Experimental Design Prop Data Analysis Last Day to Take Data Project Planning Report Phase Needed Facilities Space 13 Analyze Data Oral Engineering Drawings Assess Hypothesis Rept and/or psuedo code Prop 15 Report Results in Form Detailed parts list Ver 3 Suitable for submission Final 15 Proposal Accepted -Onto 622 to Student Conference Rept Proposal Not Accepted Optional -Conference Pub
8 Your 16.62X Journey 10 Oral Prop 2 Select Partner, Project & Advisor Wk Task Due 16.621 - SP03 4 Conceive Phase Bac kground, Overview Hypothesis, O bjective(s), Success Criteria Prop Ver 1 7 Literature Review Technical Approach Prop Ver 2 8 Spring Break (Sun!) Design Phase Experimental Design Data Analysis Project Planning Nee d e d Facilities & Space Engineering Drawings and/or Psuedo Code 15 Detailed Parts List Prop Ver 3 Proposal Accepted -Onto 622 Proposal Not Accepted - I Report Pha s e Analyze Data Assess Hypothesis Report Res ults in Form Suitable for submission to Student Conference Wk Task Due 16.622 - F03 Implement Phase Construct Apparatus and/or Write Software Calibrate Take Preliminary data 5 Oral Prog Rept 11 Last Day to Take Data Operate Phase Collect Data Reduc e Data Check For Validity 13 Oral Rept Final Rept 15 Optional - Conference Pub
THE 62X RESEARCH CYCLE Funding Statement of Project Idea Articulation Proⅰ ect Proposa Approval to P d race 16.621 16.622 Progress Report Final report Nork( Progress Report Completion of Experiment
9 THE 62X RESEARCH CYCLE Statement of Project Project Proposal Idea Final Report Completion of Experiment Progress Report Progress Report Articulation Planning Work Analysis Work Work Thinking 16.621 16.622 Approval to Proceed Funding
The“dea”., can come from Curiosity Your boss or in 621 your advisor A need a brainstorming session a previous project Be sure the idea addresses something of value to society
10 The “Idea”…. • ….can come from – Curiosity – Your “boss” or in 621 your advisor – A need – A brainstorming session – A previous project – …. • Be sure the idea addresses something of value to society