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沥青路面是在柔性基层、半刚性基层上,铺筑一定厚度的沥青混合料作面层的路面结 构。沥青路面设计的任务是根据使用要求及气候、水文、土质等自然条件,密切结合当地实 践经验,设计确定经济合理的路面结构,使之能承受交通荷载和环境因素的作用,在预定的 使用期限满足各级公路相应的承载能力,耐久性、舒适性、安全性的要求。路面设计应包括 原材料的选择、混合料配合比设计和设计参数的测试与确定,路面结构层组合与厚度计算, 以及路面结构的方案比选等内容
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建筑热湿环境是如何形成的? 是建筑环境中最重要的内容。 主要成因是外扰和内扰的影响和建筑 本身的热工性能。 外扰:室外气候参数,邻室的空气温 排风湿度。 内扰:室内设备、照明、人员等室内 围护结构
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2.燃烧污染 2.1大气污染状况 2.2燃烧对大气的污染 2.2.1环境 2.2.2燃烧排放与酸雨污染 2.2.3全球气候变暖与能源工业 2.2.4臭氧层的破坏与燃烧排放 2.2.5燃烧排放的可吸入颗粒物、有机污染物以及有毒微量元素对环境的影响 2.3大气环境质量标准
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4,1水处理工艺流程概论 1,水处理工艺流程的概念 由于单一的水处理单元方法是难以满足要求,所以将多种基本单元过程互相配合,组成一个水处理工艺过程,称为水处理工艺流程。 选择水处理流程的基本出发点是: (1)以较低的成本、安全稳定的运行过程; (2)获得满足水质要求的水; (3)水处理设施所在的地区气候、地形地质、技术经济条件的差异,也会影响到水处理工艺流程的选择
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CCSM(Coupled Model) releases Each release includes the complete collection of component model source code, documentation, input data Model output data is available Release date d CCSM 3. 0 June 2004 Notable
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Climate change output CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Paper No 37, 1998 Kevin J. Hennessy Contents Abstract Global climate models Regional climate models CsiRo climate models
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R30 Model One of the simulations conducted as part of the GFDL-University Consortium project is a 17 year simulation in which the lower boundary conditions repeat the mean seasonal cycle. Attributes of the model simulation are given below
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Chapter 2 Chap. 2 Climate and Its Change -Background Knowledge 2.1 Climate and climate system 2.2 Climate changes 2.3 Climate models and its applications Date Assessment of climate/change impacts
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Content Chap.1 Introduction Chap. 2 Background knowledge-Climate Change Chap. 3 Climate/change and agriculture Chap. 4 Climate/change and water resources Chap. Climate/change and land resources Chap. 6 Climate/change and disasters
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Chap. Climate/Change and Agriculture 3.1 Environment and plant growth 3.2 Inventory of climate resources 3.3 Plant growth and crop growth models 3.4 Impacts of climate changes on agriculture
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