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The reaction on the left end is not exact because 1. The order of interpolation is too low, a higher order of interpolation would give the right reaction 2. The distributed load attributed to node one does not ke it into the solution
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一、单项选择题 1、计量经济学的研究方法一般分为以下四个步骤( B ) A.确定科学的理论依据、模型设定、模型修定、模型应用 B.模型设定、估计参数、模型检验、模型应用 C.搜集数据、模型设定、估计参数、预测检验 D.模型设定、模型修定、结构分析、模型应用
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3.1 电子轰击源(Electron impact ionization,EI) 3.2 化学电离源(Chemical ionization source, CI) 3.3 场致和场解吸电离源(FI & FD) 3.4 快原子轰击源( Fast atom bombardment, FAB)和液体二次离子质谱 (Liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry, LSIMS) 3.5大气压电离(Atmospheric pressure ionization, API) 3.6 基质辅助激光解吸电离(Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization, MALDI) 3.7 无机质谱电离源 3.8 二次离子质谱(Second ion mass spectrometry, SIMS)
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The finite element method In FEMi we derale finite element equations fro PVD swe- SWe and obtained: K0=R:=4…n waere n:number of element nodal p Ue: elenent nodal displace ents
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第一节 整形修剪的目的与作用 第二节 主要树形及树体结构分析 第三节 整形修剪的理论原则 第四节 整形修剪的依据及方法 第五节 修剪技术的综合应用
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Which of the following statements is correct? 1. The PVD only applies to linear elastic materials 2. The PVD applies only to elastic materials, but they can be linear or non-linear 3. The PVD applies regardless of the constitutive behavior of the material
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第一节 计量经济学 第二节 建立计量经济学模型的步骤和要点 第三节 计量经济学模型的应用 一、结构分析 二、经济预测 三、政策评价 四、检验与发展经济理论 第四节 本章复习思考题
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Unit #10- Principle of minimum potential energy and Castigliano's First Theorem Principle of minimum potential energy The principle of virtual displacements applies regardless of the constitutive law. Restrict attention to elastic materials(possibly nonlinear). Start from the Pvd
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