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Based on the experimental results and analysis of the cyclic deformation, there is an obvious yield stage on the cyclic stress-strain curve at the stage of small plastic deformation (in room or low temperatures). This phenomenon is similar to that of monotonic tensile curve case. But for the former the deformation amount at which the yield begins is much smaller than that for the latter. The cyclic stress-strain constitutive relation needs to be further studied according to the actual cyclic stress-strain curve. The conventional constitutive equation σ=Aεn is based on the results only corresponding to the cyclic strengthening stage. It is not appropriate for the stage of the small plastic deformation and the stage of yield
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The simultaneous oxidation and sulfidation of Fe 25Cr and Fe-17Cr-l.5Si-0.5Al alloys was studied at 1023K and 1223K in H2-H2O-H2S gas mixtures. The kinetic boundary which indicates the transition from oxide to sulfide has heen found in these two alloys. The critical oxygen partial pressures of Fel7Crl.5SiO.5Al alloys were systematically lower than those of Fe-25Cr alloy. The reaction kinetics were measured by the stainless steel spring balance, and the reaction products were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The reaction rate usually decreased with the increase of the oxygen partial pressure at the constant sulfur partial pressure. The exista-nce of silicon plays an important role to suppress the sulfidation of Fel7Cr alloy
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It is shown that the average [O] in the steel can be decreased to 12.86 ppm and there is an optimal [%Si] at the end of melting as 0.11%, at which [O] after vacuum carbon deoxidation (VCD) is minimum. A kinetical model has been deduced to simulate the VCD process. The results show that adding Si before Al is superior to the adding Al before Si with respect to the final [O] in the steel. It is suggested that the melting point of covering slag should be lower than 1550℃, and (FeO+MnO) should be less than 1%, so as to effectively refine GCr15 steel
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The role of Mg in alloy/718 has been systematically investigated. Mg raises not only high temperature tensile and stress-rupture ductilities but also increases considerably smooth and notch stress-rupture life. Mg containing alloy 718M is free of stress-rupture notch sensitivity. Mg improves creep and fatigue interaction properties (LCF or cyclic stress rupture) at any grain size. The basic role of Mg is equilibrium segregation at grain boundaries which helps to change continuous grain beundary (5-Ni3Nb morphology to discrete globular form which has a retardation effect on intergranular fracture. Mg promotes the change from intergranular to transgranular fracture mode
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Logistics We(provisionally) meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10: 40a-12: 10p, in Bendheim 317. I will create a mailing list for the course. Therefore please send me email at your earliest convenience so I can add you to the list. You do not want to miss important announcements, do you? the course has a web page at http://www.princeton.edw
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5.1 Basic concept of traffic signal control 5.2 Parameters in traffic signal control 5.3 Choice of Objective Function 5.4 Calculation of Cycle Length 5.5 Calculation of Split 5.6 Intelligent Traffic Control at Intersection
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4.1 Conflicts of the traffic at an intersection 4.2 Traffic Signals 4.3 Traffic Controller 4.4 Installation of traffic signals at intersection 4.5 Functions of Monitoring System 4.6 Traffic Detection and Data Processing 4.7 Traffic Detection Equipment 4.8 Environment detection 4.9 System Structure of Monitoring Center
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As an example of one-quadrant converter a buck converter (also known as step-down converter)is presented in the picture below. The name of the step-down converter results from the arithmetic mean at the output side which is less than the arithmetic mean at the input
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复旦大学:《中国历史——从改良到革命 China-From Reform to Revolution》教学课件_Strangers at the Gate Strangers at the Gate
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