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西安建筑科技大学:《水资源利用与保护》水资源再生利用技术_Safety of treated water for reuse purposes comparison of filtration and disinfection processes
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西安建筑科技大学:《水污染控制工程 Water Pollution Control Engineering》课程教学资源_教学大纲(彭党聪)
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西安建筑科技大学:《水污染控制工程 Water Pollution Control Engineering》课程教学资源_参考文献
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§2-1 概述 §2-2 沉降的基本原理 §2-3 沉降试验和沉降曲线 §2-4 沉淀池及其设计计算
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 9.1 Basic Power Cycle using Water Vapor--- Rankine Cycle (基本蒸汽动力循环---朗肯循环)  9.2 The Diesel Cycle (狄塞尔循环)  9.3 燃气轮机装置循环
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西安建筑科技大学:《环境学 Environmentology》双语课程电子课件_Unit 7 Unite 7 Water Management
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中华人民共和国国家标准:毛纺工业水污染物排放标准(GB 28937-2012)Discharge standards of water pollutants for woolen textile industry
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复旦大学:《材料失效分析 Materials Failure Analysis》课程教学资源(教学案例)03. failure analysis on circulating water pump of duplex stainless steel in 1000 mw ultra-supercritical thermal power unit
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复旦大学:《物理化学实验》课程教学资源(PPT实验课件讲稿)黏度法测定水溶性高聚物相对分子质量 Molecular Weight of a Water Soluble Polymer by Viscosity Method
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