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Water is essential to life Our health depends on the quality and safety of water Water pollution and poor water resources are the big problem in China There are 700 million people in China, whose drinking water is not safe
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– 1.1 Water resources – 1.2 Win-win solutions to mitigate water scarcity – 1.3 Climate Change and Water Scarcity – 1.4 Solutions to reduce water consumption – 1.5 Sustainable water use – 1.6 Sustainable water resources management
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–Concept of water footprint –The water footprint of a product –The water footprint of a nation –The water footprint of a business –Global water footprint –Groundwater footprint –From concept to practice
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Chap. 4 Climate/Change and Water Resources Quantity assessment of water resources Available water resources Supplying water resources Water resources requirement Quality assessment of water resources Impacts of climate changes on water resources
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Introduction to water-energy nexus Water-energy nexus in wastewater treatment plant Water-energy nexus in drinking treatment plant Water-energy nexus in the Residential Sector
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• 1.1 Water, national resources and environment 1.2 Water characteristic and quality of water 1.3 The Methods of Demineralization of Water 1.4 Waste Water 1.5 Surface Tension and Surface Absorption 1.6 Construction Characteristic and Solution Property of Tenside 1.7 Usually Employed Tenside and their Biodegradability • 1.7.1 Anionic Tenside • 1.7.2 Nonionic Tenside • 1.7.3 Cationic Tenside • amphoteric Tenside 1.8 Functional 1.9 Relation of Chemical Construction and Property of Surfactant
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Common, everyday water is a major consideration in a pharmaceu￾tical plant. The final product or any of its intermediate materials can only be as contaminant-free as the water available at that stage. Water may be an ingredient or used principally to wash and rinse product contact components and equipment. Water is also used to humidiethe air, to generate clean steam for sterilization, to cool or heat, as a solvent, for drinking and sanitary uses, etc. To better control this critical media
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8. 1 Water molecules form an open crystalline structure in ice When water freezes. the water molecules arrange themselves in a six-sided crystalline structure. Increased structural orderliness usually means increased density. Solids and crystals have high structural orderliness and are thus denser than liquid and non-crystalline materials. But water is exception
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The heat transfer coefficient between spray water droplets and hot surface is measured in the laboratory. The effect of spray water flow rate, water pressure, spray distance of nozzle from the surface of strand, spray water temperature on the heat transfer is made a detail studied. And meanwhile, the effect of the strand surface FeO scale on the heat transfer is also investigated. According to the experimental results, the influence of above factors on the heat transfer coefficient has been discussed and a experience formula between the heat transfer coefficient and spray water flow rate is given out
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The principle of separation by which all commercially available oil/Water separators is the gravity differential between oil and water. In oily water mixtures, the oil exists as a collection of almost spherical globules of various sizes. The force acting on such a globule causing it to move in the water is proportional to the difference in weight between the oil particle and a particle of water of equal volume. This can be expressed as:
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