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1、结构 膨胀水箱多用半透明材料(如塑料)制成 膨胀水箱的上部用一个较细的软管与 水箱的加水管相连,底部通过水管与水 泵的进水侧相连接,通常位置略高于散 热器
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通过本章学习,使学生掌握影响果 蔬运输质量的环境因素,运输的基本要求和技 术要点;了解运输方式和常用的运输工具,明 确我国果蔬运输的发展方向
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4.2.1 空调系统构成 4.2.2 空调系统冷、热源自动控制
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第一节 食品中的碳水化合物 ◼ 存在于所有的谷物、蔬菜、水果及可食植物中 ◼ 提供膳食热量 ◼ 提供质构、口感和甜味 ◼ 表达式Cx(H2O)y ◼ 包括单糖、低聚糖以及多糖 ◼ 最丰富的碳水化合物是纤维素 第二节 单糖 第三节 低聚糖 第四节 多糖 ◼ 超过20个单糖的聚合物为多糖 ◼ 单糖的个数称为聚合度(DP) ◼ 大多数多糖的DP为200-3000 ◼ 纤维素的DP最大,达7000-15000 ◼ 直链多糖,支链多糖 ◼ 均匀多糖,非均匀多糖(杂多糖) 第五节 淀粉 ◼ 不溶于水,冷水中少量水合 ◼ 低粘度浆料烧煮时,增稠 ◼ 直链淀粉和支链淀粉 ◼ 营养功能 ◼ 商业淀粉在食品工业中的应用 第六节 纤维素 第七节 果胶
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Contents Part 1 Refrigeration and meat quality 1 Microbiology of refrigerated meat 1.1 Factors affecting the refrigerated shelf-life of meat 1.1.1 Initial microbial levels 1.1.2 Temperature
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ad Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington Published in North America by CRC Press LLC, 2000 Corporate Blvd, NW Boca Raton fL 33431. US First published 2002, Woodhead Publishing Ltd and CRC Press LLC o The University of Bristol 2002 The authors have asserted their moral rights
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In specifying refrigeration equipment the function of the equipment must be absolutely clear. Refrigeration equipment is always used to control tem- perature. Either the meat passing through the process is to be maintained it its initial temperature, for example as in a refrigerated store or a packing operation, or the temperature of the meat is to be reduced, for example in a blast freezer. These two functions
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Thermophysical properties of meat In chilling, freezing, thawing and tempering processes heat has either to be introduced or to be extracted from the meat to change its temperature The rate at which heat can be removed or introduced into the surface of meat is essentially a function of the process being used, for example air blast, plate, immersion, and so on. However, the rate at which heat can flow from within the meat to its surface is a function of the thermophysical prop- erties of the meat. If we continue to
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In general, display cabinets have to accommodate three types of meat and meat products: (1)chilled wrapped, (2) chilled unwrapped and (3)frozen wrapped products. The required display life and consequent environmental conditions for wrapped chilled products differ from those for unwrapped products. The desired chilled display life for wrapped meat and meat prod- ucts ranges from a few days to many weeks and is primarily limited by microbiological considerations. Retailers of unwrapped meat and deli
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Developments in frozen transport in the 19th century established the inter- national food market. In 1877, a cargo of frozen meat was sent from Buenos Aires to France. The following year 5000 frozen mutton carcasses were transported from Paraguay to France. In 1880, the SS Strathleven arrived in London with a cargo of 40 tons of frozen Australian beef, and by 1910
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