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The increased application of temperature legislation in many countries. coupled with economic requirements to maximise throughput, minimise weight loss and operate refrigeration systems in the most efficient manner, has created a very large demand for process design data on all aspects of
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The appearance of meat at its point of sale is the most important quality attribute governing its purchase. The ratio of fat to lean and the amount of marbled fat are important appearance factors and another is the colour of the meat. The changes in colour of the muscle and blood pigments (myoglobin and haemoglobin, respectively) determine the attractiveness
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The quality of fresh meat exposed for retail sale is initially judged on its appearance. The presence of exudate or'drip', which accumulates in the container of prepackaged meat or in trays or dishes of unwrapped meat, substantially reduces its sales appeal (Malton and James, 1983). Drip can be referred to by a number of different names including purge loss',press loss'and 'thaw loss'depending on the method of measurement and when it is measured. In general, beef tends to lose proportionately more drip than pork or lamb. Since most of the exudate comes from the cut ends of muscle fibres
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第二节二元溶液的特性 在蒸气压缩式制冷使用的工质中,一般是单 物质,如R717、R22、R134a等。吸收式制冷的 世工质则不一样,是由两种沸点不同的物质组成的 二元混合物。在混合物中,低沸点的物质叫制冷 剂,高沸点的物质叫吸收剂,因此,称为制冷剂 一吸收剂工质对。例如最常用的工质对有 ①氨一水工质对
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一、军事物流基础 军事物流活动溯源 冷兵器时代:内容简单、范围小、易组织 机械化战争时代:系列化、现代化、现代化 二战期间:运筹学的应用。 现阶段:成为军事系统中不可或缺的,具有先 进物流理论、专业化物流人才队伍、较完善的 物流设施、设备的物资保障系统
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利用制冷剂液体在气化时(沸腾时) 技产生的吸热效应,达到制冷目的
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改善金属材料的性能,主要可以通过如下几种途径:合金化即加入合金元素,调整材料的化学成分。可显著媞高钢的强度、硬度和韧性,并使其具有耐蚀、耐热等特殊性热处理即金属材料通过不同的加热、保温和冷却的方式。使基内部的組结构发生变化,以达到改善加工工艺性前和强化力学性能的目的。 5.1 金属材料的改性处理理论基础 5.2 钢的热处理 5.3 钢的表面强化处理
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功用:润滑、冷却、清洗、密封、防绣等。 第一节组成及润滑剂的选择 一、组成 二、润滑方式 压力润滑: 飞溅润滑: 混合润滑:
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一、铸造的特点及应用 Pouring Melt in Mold >Solidification >Casting 铸造 Foundry:是一种液态金属成形的方法,即将金 属加热到液态,使其具有流动性,然后浇入到具有 一定形状的型腔的铸型中,液态金属在重力场或外 力场(压力、离心力、电磁力等)的作用下充满型 腔,冷却并凝固成具有型腔形状的铸件
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根据《冲压模具设计与制造》课程的基本要求为促进理论与实践相结合,加强学生 实践技能和能力的训练,本课程共开设有实验课、冷冲模设计与制造实训两类实践教学 节
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