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①野外操作码有1-3位,第一位是英文字母大小写等价,后面是范围为 0-99的数字,无意义的0可以省略,例如A和A00等价、F1和F01等价。 ②野外操作码后面可跟参数,如野外操作码不到3位,与参数间应有连接 符“-”,如有3位,后面可紧跟参数,参数有下面几种:控制点的点名;房屋的 层数;陡坎的坎高等。 ③野外操作码第一个字母不能是“P”,该字母只代表平行信息
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一、单项选择题。(共14分,每小题2分) 1.下列哪个符号不能作为VB中的变量名?() (A)wash (B)CET4 (C)fh (D)a[3] 2.函数Int(6*RND)+1的值是在哪个范围内的整数?() (A)0,6 (B)[0,7 (C)1,6
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1.【中国·中国足协处罚案】—受案范围长春亚泰足球队在2001年10月6日 的第22轮与浙江绿城足球队比赛中,净胜6球,在整个赛季中排名甲B第二。按照中国 足协发布的《全国足球队甲级联赛规则》第9条关于“获得全国足球甲级队B组联赛前两 名的队,次年参加全国足球甲级A组联赛”的规定,长春亚泰足球队应升入甲A足球队之 列。但是,中国足协在联赛后的2001年10月16日,做出足纪字(2001)14号“关于对 四川绵阳、成都五牛、长春亚泰、江苏舜天和淅浙江绿城俱乐部足球队处理的决定”,该决定 取消了长春亚泰升入甲A资格和2002年
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n维向量 n维向量及其线性运算 一、n维向量的概念 1.定义1:由数a1a2,…an组成的有序数组,称为n维向量,简称为向量。向量通常用斜体希腊字母a,B,γ等表示
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wrong shape for a heavenly messenger. Anyway, it's time to stop wondering whether she came from heaven or a nearby town. What matters is this: whoever she was, Aunt Esther Gubbins was right.\
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1. Strength and weakness of anthropology: Anthropologists are often swayed by a single key case a. Weakness in that this is an obviously inadequate sample. No way of knowing if typical or how typical b. Strength in that rich analysis, really can tell you a lot
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第5章 1.文法 S->al|^(T) T->T, SIS (1)对(a,(a,a)的最左推导为: =>(T,S) =>(S,S)
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Histol · Kautz and selman.1992 Inspired by improvements in satisfiabity algorithms Big Idea Encode planning problem as a(very large) logical formula Initial-state all-possible-actions goal Find a satisfying assignment to action-time propositions, and we have a plan
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Elements of Algorithmic analysis · Soundness is a solution returned by the algorithm guaranteed to be Completeness is the algorithm guaranteed to find a solution when there is Time complexity how long does it take to find a solution? Space complexity how much memory does it need to perform search? Sian willams, Spring o3 Characterizing Search algorithms
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Ethnography 1. INTRO Originally people who studied cultures were amateurs who happened to either be particularly observant or who happened to travel a lot. Some of them did more or less what people did today. a. Ibn Khaldun was a famous Arab scholar who did observations of everyone, including the Vikings
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