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一、数字传输的基带理论 二、PCM信号的再生中继及传输性能分析 三、传输码型设计原则及常用码型 四、差错控制编码的控制方式和原理
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第一节 会计账簿的意义与种类 第二节 账簿的设置与登记 第三节 账簿的登记规则与错账更正方法 第四节 结账与对账
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课程介绍 线性代数是我校高工专类各专业一门重要的基础教育课。本课程坚持“以应用为目的,必 须够用为度,理论精要,应用突出”的原则,按照“从实际中来,到实际中去”的思想,即从 实际中提出问题一一建立数学模型一求解数学模型一一解决实际问题,将线性代数的基本知 识、四大内容贯穿在一起,自成体系,为各专业的专业课学习提供必要的理论基础 本课程总计二十学时,是运用启发式、互动式、参与式和以学生为主体教学方法的讲授与实 践性教学,完成所设计的教学任务
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第一节 作物布局 一、作物布局的内涵与意义 二、作物布局的原则 三、作物布局设计 第二节 种植模式 一、种植模式的概念 二、种植模式的类型 第三节 种植体制 一、轮作与换茬 二、连作 第四节 我国的作物布局 一、粮食作物布局 二、经济作物布局
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酶的活性中心 酶化学修饰的目的 酶化学修饰的原理 酶化学修饰的设计 酶化学修饰的应用
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一、建设项目财务评价的原理和指标体系、财务评价的静态、动态方法。 二、设计、施工方案的技术经济分析与比较。 三、工程量的计算与审查。 四、补充定额的编制与审查
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Computation of Stress, Crack width and Reflection of RC Flexural Members  Characteristics of use of reinforced concrete beam during the calculation.  The concept of transformed section and the geometric characteristics.  The stress state of reinforced concrete short-term checking.  Flexural members of the cracks and the maximum width of crack.  Deformation of flexural members.  Durability of concrete structures
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bias components are the mechanical characteristics of cross sections and two failure modes, Boundaries and determine the size of bias conditions; Familiar with eccentric compression of the second-order effect and calculation; Eccentric rectangular cross-section bearing capacity of compression members is calculated, Including the formula, the formula of the applicable conditions of reinforcement and non-symmetrical Design and reinforcement of the cross-section symmetrical cross section for review; I-shaped, T shaped eccentric compression AND CIVIL ENGINEERING Calculation method; Circular section eccentric compression member cross section design and review; Eccentric compression reinforcement of the structure and reasonable layout requirements
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1、钢结构对材料的要求 (1) 较高的抗拉强度fu和屈服点fy (2) 塑性、冲击韧性好 (3) 冷加工性能好 (4) 可焊性好 (5) 耐久性好
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Oblique cross-section flexural members of the mechanical characteristics and failure modes. Oblique section of bending members the main factor for shear strength. Flexural oblique shear strength formula for conditions. Such a high degree of web reinforcement beams of the preliminary design steps. Resisting moment mapping. Check all of bearing capacity and structural requirements. Construction oblique shear strength calculations
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