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一、选择题 1.设有一个10阶的对称矩阵A,采用压缩存储方式,以行序为主存储,a11为第一元素其存储地址为1,每个元素占一个地址空间,则a5的地址为()
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一、基本概念 1.函数极限的定义: (1)x→+∞时函数极限的定义:设f为定义在[+∞)上的函数,A为实数。若对任 给的>0,存在正数M(≥a),使得当x>M时有f(x)-Ak,则称函数f当x→+∞ 时以A为极限
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一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.在数据的存放无规律而言的线性表中进行检索的最佳方法是 2.线性有序表(a1,a2,a3,…,256)是从小到大排列的,对一个给定的值k,用二分法检索表中与k相等的元素,在查找不成功的情况下,最多需要检索次
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1书写标识符时,忽略了大小写字母的区别。 main( int a=5; printf(\%\,); } 编译程序把a和A认为是两个不同的变量名,而显示出错信息。C认为大写字母和小写字母是两个不同的 字符。习惯上,符号常量名用大写,变量名用小写表示,以增加可读性。 2忽略了变量的类型,进行了不合法的运算
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18.1 Making predictions ( Language in use Read this article. Where do the sentences in the box belong? a soon, every business will have a website where it can advertise its products b business will certainly reduce their costs by using the Internet c The number of users is growing steadily at 10% a month
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1 Crime has its own cycles, magazine some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2,400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns. July and August,as do rape and other violent attacks. Murder,moreover, is more than seasonal it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are
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A reference frame consists(1)a coordinate system and(2)a set of synchronized clocks distributed throughout the coordinate grid and rest with respect to it
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Utilitarianism Last time we considered three questions one might ask an ethical theory to answer i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understanding the\ought as a moral ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? 111) How do we know what is right and wrong? There are a variety of strategies for answering(iii). One might hold e. g. that moral truths are revealed by god and
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al Identity ll Problem of synchronic identity for persons: under what conditions are two simultaneous person-events events in the life of the same person? Problem of diachronic identity for persons under what conditions are two person-stages stages in the life of a single person. In particular, what makes a particular person-stage a continuation of me as I am right now? Background desiderata: an account of personal identity should allow for the possibility of anticipation and memory, i.e., of individual psychological connections between different person stages. It should also allow us to justify our practices of
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一 、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.在数据的存放无规律而言的线性表中进行检索的最佳方法是 2.线性有序表(a1,a2,a3,…,256)是从小到大排列的,对一个给定的值k,用二分法检索表中与k 相等的元素,在查找不成功的情况下,最多需要检索次。设有100个结点,用二分法查找时,最
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