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第4章快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 4.1引言 4.2基2FFT算法 4.3进一步减少运算量的措施 4.4分裂基FFT算法 4.5离散哈特莱变换(DHT)
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概述 现实的对象参数多为模拟信号: 利用计算机进行信息处理,必须将其转成数字信号
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5.1 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals Digital processing of a continuous-time signal involves the following basic steps: (1) Conversion of the continuous-time signal into discrete-time signal, ()Processing of the discrete-time signal, (3) Conversion of the processed discrete- time signal back into a continuous-time signal
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Objective-Determination- of realizable transfer function G() approximating a given frequency response specification is an important step in the development of a digital filter If an IIR filter is desired, G() should be a stable real rational function Digital filter design is the process of deriving the transfer function G
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Digital Signal Processing Theory, method, algorithm Digital Signal Processor A kind of microprocessor used to implement digital signal processing algorithm
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2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation Signals represented as sequences of numbers, called samples Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in the range-oo≤n≤∞ x[n] defined only for integer values of n and undefined for noninteger values of n Discrete-time signal represented by {x[n]}
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实验2离散系统的差分方程、冲激响应和卷积分析 实验目的:加深对离散系统的差分方程冲激响应和卷积分析方法 的理解。 实验原理:离散系统
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51基本概念 1.调制:对信号作某种变换; 2.脉冲编码调制(PCM):将模拟信号抽样、量化后用数字脉冲的某种组合来表示的一种变换方式。 3.PCM信号的是一种数字信号
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9.4部分响应基带传输系统 (1)具有最窄频带的无串扰系统 优点:频带利用率高:2Baud/s/Hz; 缺点:物理上难以实现,且由于拖尾衰减教慢,对抽样定时要求较高。 (2)具有滚降频带特性的无串扰系统优缺点与最窄频带的无串扰系统相反。 问题:是否存在某种系统,同时具有上述两种系统的优点
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§4 FIR数字滤波器的设计 §5 数字滤波器的结构
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