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Chapter 3 Chap. Climate/Change and Agriculture 3.1 Environment and plant growth 3.2 Inventory of climate resources 3.4 Plant growth and crop growth models 3.5 Impacts of climate changes on agriculture
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Course for graduate students Goals of the course Understanding of basic theories on impacts of climate/changes Knowing of basic tools or methods on assessment of climate/change impacts Applications in your interested field studies
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Parallel Climate Model Effort (Version 1) This is a joint effort to develop a DOE-sponsored parallel climate model between Los Alamos National aboratory (LANL), the Naval Postgraduate School (NPG), the US Army Corps of Engineers' Cold
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CCCma has develped a number of climate simulation models for climate prediction, study of climate change and variability, and to better understand the various processes which govern our climate system. A brief description of these models and their corresponding references can be found in this section
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HadCM3--Coupled atmosphere-Ocean general circulation model HadCM3 is a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model(AOGCM)developed at the Hadley Centre and described by gordon et al (2000)and Pope et al (2000). Unlike earlier AOGCMs at the Hadley
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一、海洋的重要唑 1 地表的72% 2 生命的摇篮 3 未充分开发的最后疆域 4 最大的资源仓储 5 最主要的气候调节器
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3.1蒸发 3.2凝结 3.3大气降水
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一、经济制度 1、经济体制(economic system)一是指各种安排经济活动的制度与行为模式,是满足消费需要及资源配置的各种运作方式,如一国的法律、习惯、风俗、价值准则等即反映各种运作的方 式。 2、经济体制受哪些因素的影响? (1)历史、文化、宗教的背景; (2)人口、自然资源、气候、地形等条件; (3)领袖人物所倡导的思想意识; (4)追求理想与达到目的的各种主张; (5)追求经济目标时,人民的尝试过的方法
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一、盐碱化的概念及产生原因 (一)盐碱化的概念 土壤盐渍化(土壤盐碱化)是指盐分不断向土壤表层聚积形成盐渍土的自然地质过 程。盐渍土是在一定的气候、地形、土地、水文地质等自然条件下形成的。人类活动、历 史上的洪、涝、旱灾害,河道变迁,以及土地利用、农业、水利技术措施等,又对土壤盐 渍化的发生、发展产生重大影响。 一般将土壤层0.2m厚度内可溶盐含量大于.1%的土壤称为盐渍土。土壤盐渍化分 化与碱化两种类型,故又称为土壤盐碱化。当土壤表层中的中性盐含量超过0.2%时,称为 盐化土(盐土);以碳酸盐为主的盐渍土,土中代换性钠含量大,通常称为碱化土(碱 土)。土壤盐渍化主要发生在干旱与半干旱地区
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一、野生花卉资源自然分布中心 全球植物约有35万40万种,近六分之一具有观 赏价值。 Miller将全球划分为七个气候型 1、地中海气候型是世界上多种秋植球根花卉的分布中心
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