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第一节船舶对航运环境的污染及防止措施 第二节船舶油水分离器和排油监控装置 第三节船舶生活污水处理装置 第四节船舶垃圾处理装置
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一锅炉在船舶动力装置中的作用 在蒸汽轮机动力装置的船舶上:锅炉产生的高温高压过热蒸汽用驱动主蒸 汽机,以推动船舶前进,这种锅炉称为主锅炉。 在柴油机动力装置的船舶上:锅炉产生的饱和蒸汽仅用于驱动蒸汽机、加 热燃油、滑油及满足日常生活的需要,这种锅炉称为辅锅炉
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Provide for data logging, remote control and automatic action-pneumatic electro￾pneumatic, and electronic equipment, self￾regulating apparatus, etc. The chapter will give a general instruction above system and function. The other chapters of the book focus on the oil handling devices onboard
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In motorships there are two main circuits, one salt , one fresh. The salt circuit is: sea inlet box (seachest) - pump(s) - f.w. coolers in series (first LT then HT) – turbo blower aftercoolers in parallel (if any) – provision condenser in parallel (if any) - overboard
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Air at high pressure, i.e. at 25 bar or more, is required for starting main and auxiliary engines in motorships. Air at low pressure, say at 6 bar or less is required for much remote or temperature or pressure controlled equipment, for which purpose it must be clean and oil-free
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Open systems using gravity tanks, etc., are rarely met nowadays and Figure 1.8 shows a characteristic arrangement of pressure tanks, calorifiers and pumps for a large ship. The fresh water pumps are self-priming, drawing from storage tanks and discharging through filters to a rising main, branched to give a cold supply and a hot supply in closed circuit through a calorifier. A tank kept under pressure by an external supply of compressed air rests on the system and provides the head necessary
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Learning Objectives The learning objectives of this section are to make all engineers, engine cadets and other crew members who are involved in the handling of fuels onboard, familiar with: – How to handle the fuel. – Take the necessary simple precautions by following test procedures
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The main objective of this section is to make you acquainted with the relevance of fuel parameters on: Abnormal ignition and combustion. Wear, piston ring collapse and breakage. Gas leakage. Ignition, combustion and exhaust gas emission. Engine damages and operational problems. Prevention of engine damages with off spec. fuels and to recognize their impact on the operation of marine diesel engines
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3.2 Treatment of detergent type lubricating oils The main function of detergent lubricating oil is to keep solid contaminations in suspension and prevent both their agglomeration and deposition in the engine. This function reduces ring sticking, wears of piston rings and cylinder liners, and generally improves the cleanliness of the engine. agglomeration
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3.3 Batch and continuous lubricating systems For small or medium units without a circulatory lubricating system, the oil is often treated on the batch system. As large a quantity of oil as possible is drained from the engine at intervals and run into a heating tank, the system being replenished with clean oil at the same time
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