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1.1 磁场、磁性和基本磁学量 1.2 孤立原子的磁性 1.3 宏观物质的磁性质 1.4 磁性体的热力学基础
文档格式:PPS 文档大小:793.5KB 文档页数:56
1.2概率的定义及计算 历史上概率的三次定义 1.古典定义概率的最初定义 2。统计定义基于频率的定义 3。公理化定义1930年后由前苏联数学家柯尔莫哥洛夫给出
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1.2 Legendre多项式的性质 一、母函数关系式
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1.1 数据的输入和保存 1.1.1 SPSS 的界面 1.1.2 定义变量 1.1.3 输入数据 1.1.4 保存数据 1.2 数据的预分析 1.2.1 数据的简单描述
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I The appraisal process I The appraisal process 1.1 Introduction to the appraisal process 1.1 Introduction to the appraisal process 1.2 Appraisal methods 1.2 Appraisal methods 1.3 Appraising performance: problems and 1.3 Appraising performance: problems and solutions solutions II The appraisal interview II The appraisal interview 2.1 Types of interviews 2.1 Types of interviews 2.2 How to conduct the 2.2 How to conduct the appraisal interview appraisal interview III The role of appraisals in III The role of appraisals in managing performance managing performance 3.1 Do appraisals really help 3.1 Do appraisals really help to improve performance? to improve performance? 3.2 The performance management 3.2 The performance management approach approach 3.3 Performance management 3.3 Performance management abroad 3.4 TQM 3.4 TQM-based appraisals based appraisals IV. Summary IV. Summary
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1.1 Computer Hardware 1.2 Computer Codes
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1.2 抽样调查中的几个基本概念 1.3 抽样调查的组织形式及调查方法
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1.2 集合Sets 1.2.1 集合的基本概念Concepts of Sets
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1.2 复平面上的曲线和区域 1.3 复变函数
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