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Issac BasheYisifdes44nda1) an American short-story writer and novelist Born in poland he came to the uSA in 1935 His novels deal most with the heritage, faith, and daily lives of polish jews, particularly in the warsaw ghetto. He was awarded the nobel prize for
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4.流体通过颗粒层的流动 4.1概述 4.2颗粒床层的特性 4.3流体通过固定床的压浆 44过滤原理及设备 4.5过滤过程计算
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胞质在抗白粉病、赤霉病上有良好效应,而且还在小麦籽粒品质,产量性状和抗盐性等 方面均表现有较好的细胞质效应叫 §44粘类小麦雄性不育系的杂种优勢表现 不有系的杂种优势表现更为众多研究者所关注,m等9)报道.,粘型 不育系组配的杂种优势比提型明显),ayto091研究认为,粘果山羊
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In a service company, important parts of the productare being designed by the front liners every time they serve a customer They are uniquely positioned to read customer needs. You need to provide them with information(about costs)and Incentives
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§4-1滑动摩擦 §4-2摩擦角与自锁现象 §4-3考虑滑动摩擦的平衡问题 §44滚动阻碍简介
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Problems to be handed in: In this lab, you will complete the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Exercises for the Echo Cancellation problem considered in Section 2.10 on pages 44-46 of Buck, Daniel, and Singer(BDS). For all of the exercises, please include
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共44分) 1.气道狭窄的病人,其 A.肺活量和时间肺活量都减少B.肺活量和时间肺活量都增大C.肺活量减少而时间肺活量正常 D.肺活量正常而时间肺活量减少E.肺活量和时间肺活量均不变
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共44分) 1.静脉系统成为外周的血液贮存库,主要是由于 A.静脉管壁有可扩张性B.静脉管壁平滑肌C.静脉系统的容积大 D.许多静脉位于皮下组织中E.静脉血液的氧饱和度低
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病因 1.创伤 2.宫颈内口松弛 3.胎膜感染:支原体、衣原体、细菌、性交刺激 4.羊膜腔压力:双胎、羊水过多 5.头盆不称、胎位异常 6.胎膜发育不良、胶原纤维和弹性蛋白合成障碍
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Enhancement of HIPERLaN/2 Systems using Space-Time Coding Mikael gidlund Radio Communication Systems Group Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology(KTh) SE-100 44 Stockholm. Sweden Email: mikael gidlund@mhse
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