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Chapter 1: Introduction From analog to digital Digital circuits and devices Design for IC The target of the text The arrangement of the text
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Chapter 2 Number systems and codes Positional number system representation and conversion Representations of negative numbers BCD codes and gray code
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Representations of signed numbers In binary systems, an n-bit string can represent 2n different numbers 01234567
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Electrical behavior of cmos Steady-state behavior when output is hold on 1 or 0 Dynamic behavior when output is changing
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How to make a better device Good performance faster and less power consumed Low cost more compact and use less area
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Codes in binary system BCD codes: for decimal digit Gray code: for numbers in binary system; AsCIi code: for characters ey point Use n bits. we can make 2n different words: To make n code-words. you must use logn bits
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数字集成电路的设计流程 设计输入:以电路图或HDL语言的形式形成 电路文件;输入的文件经过编译后,可以 形成对电路逻辑模型的标准描述; 逻辑仿真(功能仿真):对如上形成的逻 辑描述加入输入测试信号,检查输出信号 是否满足设计要求;在此没有考虑任何时 间关系,只是检测逻辑是否有错;
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逻辑综合 逻辑综合将HD语言编写的行为模型转换 为电路结构模型(网表) 这种转换类似于C语言的编译器将C语言转 换为机器语言(二进制语言);
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一、MOS晶体管模型 二、组合逻辑基本结构 三、逻辑单元的优化设计 四、组合单元的规模约束问题 五、时序逻辑的时间关系问题
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