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什么是纳米科技? 纳米科学技术是研究在千万分之一米(10-8)到亿分之一米(10-9米)内,原子、分子 和其它类型物质的运动和变化的学问:同时在这一尺度范围内对原子、分子进行操纵和 加工又被称为纳米技术
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第二章物质的状态 1由题知:质量为0132克的气体其所对应的物质的量为 P=RTm=P/T=97×10×19×101×103/8314×29 =0.007776mol 因此该气体的摩尔质量为:M-m=0.1320.00776=169717gml 所以该气体为H2
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§2.1 Basic terms in thermodynamics §2.3 Heat of a chemical reaction To study chemistry using the theories and methods of thermodynamics 1) heat exchange in chemical reactions (Herein), 2) directions and extent of reaction processes (see Chapter 4) §2.2 the First law of thermodynamic §2.4 the Hess’s law
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§2.1 Basic terms in thermodynamics §2.3 Heat of a chemical reaction To study chemistry using the theories and methods of thermodynamics 1) heat exchange in chemical reactions (this chapter), 2) directions and extent of reaction processes (see Chapter 4) §2.2 the First law of thermodynamics §2.4 the Hess’s law
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§14.1 The elements of nitrogen family 14.1.5 The compounds of As, Sb and Bi 14.1.4 The compounds of phosphorus 14.1.3 The compounds of nitrogen 14.1.2 The elemental substances of nitrogen family 14.1.1 Outline on nitrogen family §14.2 The elements of oxygen 14.2.3 Sulfur and the related compounds 14.2.2 Oxygen and the related 14.2.1 Outline on oxygen family
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3.1 Brief introduction of chemical reaction rates 3.2 Brief introduction of effect of concentration of reactants on reaction rate —the rate expression 3.3 Brief introduction of effect of temperature on reaction rate—Arrhenius equation 3.4 Brief introduction of theory of reaction rate and reaction mechanisms 3.5 Brief introduction of catalyst and catalysis
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主要内容: 1、烧结推动力及模型 2、固相烧结和液相烧结过程中的四种基本传质产生的原因、条件、特点和动力学方程。 3、烧结过程中晶粒生长与二次再结晶的控制。 4、影响烧结的因素
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一、选择题 1.某晶体的晶轴长短和晶轴夹角有如下关系=b=c,a=B=y,则下列判断中正确的是………() (A)一定属于立方晶系 (B)一定属于三方晶系 (C)属于立方晶系或三方晶系 (D)属于正交晶系
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一、选择题 1.铜的氧化物和酸反应生成硫酸铜和铜,这氧化物和酸分别() (A)铜的黑色氧化物和亚硫酸 (B)铜的红色氧化物和过二硫酸 (C)铜的红色氧化物和稀硫酸 (D)铜的黑色氧化物和稀硫酸
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§17.1 铜族元素 17.1.1 铜族元素的单质 17.1.2 铜族元素的化合物 §17.2 锌族元素 17.2.2 锌族元素的化合物 17.2.1 锌族元素的单质
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