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Ⅰ. TO EXPLANATE THE FOLLOWING TERMS ( Ten terms , 2 marks per term, total 20 marks) 1. Ore; 2. Gangue Minerals; 3.Non-ferrous metal (Base metal); 4. Precious metal; 5. Sulfophilic elements; 6. Host Rock; 7. connate water; 8. Country Rocks; 9. Alterartion; 10. Porphyry copper deposit;
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沥青材料是由一些极其复杂的高分子的碳氢化合物和这些碳氢化合物的非金属(氧、硫,氮)的衍生物所组成的混物。 沥青材料按其在自然界中的获得方式可分为二大类:地沥青、焦油沥青。 地壳中的石油,在各种自然因素的作用下,经过轻质油分蒸发、氧化和缩聚作用,最后形成的天然产物,称“天然沥青”,石油经各种炼制工艺的加工而得到的沥青产品,称“石油沥青
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一、选择填空题 1、B 2、C 3、B 4、C 5、C 6、A 7、C 8、C 9、B 10、C 二、是非判断题 1、对 2、对 3、错 4、对 5、错 6、对 7、错 8、对 9、对 10、错
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CONSTRUCTION OF VERTICAL SECTION 1 Select the location of the section and draw a section line (usually perpendicular to the strike of the main structures), right-hand end is its more easterly end 2 Draw a topographic profile along the line of section. Determine the base line on the squared
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一、选择填空题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1、 矿体产于岩浆岩体的底部、与围岩渐变、矿石矿物为自形晶结构、围岩没有明显蚀变现 象的矿床属于( )。 A.熔离矿床;B.早期岩浆分结矿床;C.晚期岩浆分结矿床;D.矽卡岩型矿床
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Course Examination paper of Resource Geology (Answers) Ⅰ. To Explanate the following terms ( Ten terms , 2 marks per term, total 20 marks) 1. Ore Minerals: the specific minerals within the ore which contain the metals to be recovered. 2. Ferrous metal : Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Vanadium, Titanium; 3. Precious metal: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium
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Ⅰ. TO EXPLANATE THE FOLLOWING TERMS ( Ten terms , 2 marks per term, total 20 marks) 1. Ore: the rock material or minerals which are mined for a profit; Gangue Minerals: the minerals having no commercial value, they just happen to be mixed up with the ore minerals;Non-ferrous metal (Base metal): Copper, lead, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Tin, Molybdenum, Bismuth, Stibium
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等轴晶系,四方晶系,斜方晶系:(001)与[001] (010)与[010],[110]与[001],(110)与(010) 单斜晶系:(001)与[001],[100]与[001],(001) 与(100),(100)与(010) 三方与六方晶系:(1010)与(0001),(1010)与 (1120) 等轴晶系的{hh}可能={111}?
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1.求两平面交线的产状 第一,据已知的两平面产状, 在吴氏网上分别求出其投影大圆弧 AHB和CID。两大圆弧的交点β即为 两平面交线与下半球面交点的投影 第二,作β与圆心O的连线, 交基圆于P点,P点的方位角即两平 面交线的倾伏向,Pβ间的角距为 交线的倾伏角
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Force Force is a kind of mechanical action between different objects, it tends to change the shape, volume or movement state of the object with a force upon it. Force is a vector quantity, and thus possesses both magnitude and direction; it can be represented by an arrow whose length specifies the magnitude and whose
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