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Bob, a student taking 7.012, looks at a long-standing puddle outside his dorm window Curious as to what was growing in the cloudy water, he takes a sample to his TA, Brad Student. He wanted to know whether the organisms in the sample were prokaryotic or eukaryotic
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Many intracellular proteins are required to interact or bind to other macromolecules within a bind DNA. Such proteins often have conserved structural features, called motifs, whis at can cell in order to function properly. One class of such proteins is comprised of proteins tha interact with DNA. One such motif consists of two closely aligned a-helices(shown as cylinders below)that each have leucine-rich regions. This motif is referred to as a leucine
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Cheese is a very varied group of dairy products, produced mainly in Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand and to a lesser extent in North Africa and the Middle East, where it originated during the Agricultural Revolution, 6000-8000 years ago. Cheese production and con- 10A and 10B), is increasing in traditional
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4.7.I Occurrence and microheterogeneity B-Lactoglobulin is a major protein in bovine milk, representing about 50% of total whey protein and 12% of the total protein of milk. It was among the first proteins to be crystallized, and since crystallizability was long considered to be a good criterion of homogeneity, B-Ig, which is a typical
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Problem Set 11 Solutions Due: 5PM on Friday, May 6 This is a mini-problem set. The first problem reviews basic facts about expectation. The second and third are typical final exam questions. Problem 1. Answer the following questions about expectation. (a)There are several equivalent definitions of the expectation of a random variable
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ECENOMIC S Gross domestic product can be measured Either as(a) a Flow of Final Products or Equivalently, as(b) a Flow of Costs 1-153
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Problem 1. Sammy the Shark is a financial service provider who offers loans on the fol lowing terms. Sammy loans a client m dollars in the morning This puts the client m dollars in debt to Sammy. Each evening, Sammy first charges\service fee\, which increases the client's debt by f dollars, and then Sammy charges interest, which multiplies the debt by a factor
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第四章直线与平面及两平面的相对关系 4-1直线与平面、平面与平面的平行 一、直线与平面相互平行 几何条件:P121 例5-1:图5-1 例:求平面平行于直线CD,(平面过点A) 解:1 过点A,作AM//CD 2 过点A,作AL//CD
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一、(15分)如图所示,质量为M的光滑曲面物体A,置于高出地面h 的光滑平台上,物体A的曲面的最下端B a点同平台面相切。今有一质量为M
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This is a good approach to questions of the form, What is the probability that ntuition will mislead you, but this formal approach gives the right answer every time 1. Find the sample space. ( Use a tree diagram. 2. Define events of interest. Mark leaves corresponding to these events 3. Determine outcome probabilities (a) Assign edge probabilities
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