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Abstract Model Specifications Build an abstract model of required software behavior using mathematically defined(perhaps using axioms )types(e. g sets, relations) Define operations by showing effects of that operation on the model Specification includes Model
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Fairly primitive and predictive power limited Function Points Count number of inputs and output, user interactions, external interfaces files used Assess each for complexity and multiply by a weighting factor Used to predict size or cost and to assess project productivity
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Difficult Person Hostile-aggressie Bullies, cverwhelms, and intimidates cthers nd up to the hostile ade frot atoers-can t accept feedback on t rush into the worst thing that coul happen?)
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第一节 碳循环 第二节 氮循环
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第一节 有机固体废弃物的微生物处理及其微生物群落 第二节 废气的生物处理
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一、点、线、面及综合题 二、截交线与相贯线 三、投影变换 四、组合体的视图 五、机件常用的表达方法 六、零件图 七、装配图
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第一节 微生物的遗传 第二节 微生物的变异 第三节 菌种保藏
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第一节 真细菌(Eubacteria) 第二节 放线菌 第三节 支原体、立克次氏体和衣原体 第四节、蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria) 第五节 古生菌(Archaea)
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第一节 代谢概论 第二节 微生物产能代谢
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