Type of Characteristics Difficult Person Bullies overwhelms, and ntm dates others Don t oan i. stand up to the hostile Hostile-aggressNve .Throws tantrums gues relentlessly Believes there 's only one way to hand le a situation--can't accept feed back Reacts even more strongly to resistance from cthers Get him her to sit down Shcw himher you take him/her seriously by paraphrasing what he/she has said Wet Blanket (nct the same as one who carefu ly figures out altematives. State your cwn rea listic optimism Set a horror foor.(What's the worst thing that coud happen ?) Be ready to take action on your cwn .e Fees and exerts the mpressie of absolute certainty, pcwer, and authority ● Do your homework Kncw-it-al‖ Cannct be dissuaded once on a course Treats others as irreley Avoid being a counter-eXp Balloon Speaks w th great au thority about subjects bout which he/she has little State facts as an altemative version Gie ballon a way out(in priate, if possible) Often only partially aware he/she is speaking beyond their knowledge Get hm /her to describe the plan in detail Staller His made forhim/her e, but avoids decision making until the decision Rank altemate lnts and beats around the bush as a compromise between being honest Link plan to values cf quality and Quality-oriented, can' t let go of something until it's perfect-which means never..Follow up · Acts se|- rateau es and accuses ct Complainer Makes no effort to sole problem(feels powe to problem-solving --what would happen i.."What's the first step? rase--detine the problen Uses monosyllables or silence(clamming up) to avoid conflict.nonresponsive .Ask May feel he/she has been backed into a comer. am to Ing seems to be at an i Super agreeable ts t o nan ol want to et init lets you down n a crisis. Let him/her know you value him/her as a person ty telling him/her directly ise/ negotiate if conflict arises Comm its to actions they won 't or can 't follow through on --to stay on good tems Get his/ her comm itments n writing with others Deadwood tribute anything to the actual team effort. ● Understand is there --he/she may occupy a role posit ion in the fomal a pcwer postion portant to the smooth functioning cf the informal pcwer system on becames difficu lt One who takes Steas credit for others achievements, ideas, roles, organzational abilities, etc. Confront the plagiarist n front cf a mutually respected third party plagiarist) For written material, send add itional copies cf it, with your name on it, to people higher than the plagiarist Source: Dr K Kruper (Kay williams, Boeing
✙✛✆ ✵✛✆ ✙✛✭ ✙✜✆ ❝✫❞✂❡✌❢❣❡✌❤✌✐✛❥✌❢❧❦♥♠✌✐✛❦♦❤✌♠ ♣✂❡✌❤❅✐❂❦♥❤✌♠ ♣✂q✌r✂❥❨s✂t ✉❦♥t❂t✛❦♦❦♥❤✌✈✂✇♥✐✂①✹❥✌❢❣♠✌s✂② ✂✁☎✄ ✄ ✆ ✝☎✞✠✟☎✡☞☛✌✝☎✍✎✑✏☎✝☎✄✒✓✞✔✟☎✕✗✖☎✘✑✆ ✖✚✙✛✆✒✓✆ ✘☎✕☞✙✜✝☎✞✢✡☞✙✜✏☎✝☎✍✣✞ ✤✥✏☎✍✣✡☞✎✑✞✦✙✛✕☎✖✚✙✛✍✣✁☎✒✓✞ ✧✍✣✆✙✛✆ ★✠✆ ✩✔✝✗✞✢✕☎✖☎✘✓✕☎✍✣✪☎✁☎✝☎✞✫✍✣✝☎✄ ✝☎✖☞✙✜✄ ✝☎✞✔✞✠✄✬ ✂✝☎✄ ✆ ✝☞☛✌✝☎✞✦✙✜✏☎✝☎✍✣✝☎✭ ✞✫✡☎✖☎✄✬✮✡☎✖☎✝✯✎✑✕☞✬✢✙✜✡✑✏☎✕✗✖☎✘☎✄ ✝✓✕✑✞✠✆✙✛✁✗✕☞✙✛✆ ✡☎✖✓✰✱✰✲★✔✕☎✖☎✭✙✳✕☎★✔★✠✝☎✴☞✙☎✵✜✝☎✝☎✘☎✶✗✕☎★✔✷ ✸✹✝☎✕☎★✺✙✜✞✢✝☞☛✌✝☎✖✓✒✑✡✗✍✣✝✑✞✻✙✛✍✼✡☎✖☎✪☎✄✬✢✙✜✡✑✍✣✝✗✞✔✆ ✞✻✙✛✕☎✖✗★✔✝✯✵✜✍✣✡☎✒✽✡☞✙✜✏☎✝☎✍✣✞ ❙✹✡☎✖☎✭✙✳✴☎✕☎✖☎✆ ★✔✿ ❍✙✜✕☎✖☎✘✓✁☎✴✹✙✜✡✯✙✛✏☎✝✓✏☎✡☎✞✻✙✜✆ ✄ ✝☎✿ ❙✹✡☎✖☎✭✙☎✙✜✕☎✷✔✝✓✆✙✳✴☎✝✗✍✣✞✔✡☎✖☎✕✗✄ ✄✬✱✿ ❭✆☛✌✝✑✏✗✆✒✹▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❫✙✛✆✒✓✝✯✙✛✡✓✍✣✁☎✖✓✘☎✡☞✎✑✖ ❊✖✗✡☞✙☎✙✛✡✗✡✑✄ ✡☎✖✗✪✑✰✱✰◗✙✛✏☎✝✚✬✱✭ ✄ ✄✠✞✔✝✗✝✑✆✙✳✕✗✞✢✕✹✎✑✝☎✕☎✷✠✖☎✝☎✞✠✞✔❋ ❭✝☞✙✳✏✗✆ ✞✺▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❅✕☞✙✙✜✝☎✖☞✙✜✆ ✡☎✖✓★✔✕☎✍✣✝✚✵✛✁☎✄ ✄✬ ❊✁☎✞✔✝✓✖☎✕☎✒✓✝✓✡☞✵✳✴☎✝☎✍✣✞✠✡☎✖✓★✔✄ ✝☎✕✗✍✣✄✬✮✕☎✖☎✘✓✄ ✡☎✁☎✘☎✄✬✌❋ P✂☛✌✡☎✆ ✘✓✏☎✝☎✕☎✘☎✰✱✡☎✖✹✵✜✆ ✪☎✏☞✙ ❊✬✱✡☎✁☎✭ ✄ ✄✠✶☎✝✓✍✣✁☎✖✓✡☞☛✌✝☎✍✣❋✣✿ ❍✏☎✡☞✎✽✏☎✆✒✹▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❫✬✱✡✗✁✹✙✜✕☎✷✠✝✑✏☎✆✒✯▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❅✞✔✝☎✍✣✆ ✡☎✁✗✞✔✄✬✮✶✚✬✮✴☎✕☎✍✣✕☎✴☎✏☎✍✣✕✗✞✔✆ ✖☎✪✯✎✑✏☎✕☞✙✳✏☎✝☞▲✜✞✠✏☎✝✑✏✗✕☎✞✢✞✔✕✗✆ ✘☎✿ ❭✝☞✙✳✏✗✆✒✹▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❫✙✛✡✓✞✠✆✙✳✘☎✡☞✎✑✖☎✿ ❴✹✡☎✞✺✙✜✆ ✄ ✝☎✰✱✕☎✪☎✪☎✍✣✝☎✞✠✞✔✆☛✌✝ ✾✹✞✔✝☎✞✫✖☎✝☎✪☎✕☞✙✜✆☛✱✆ ✞✠✒✑✿✓❀❂❁✙☎✎❃✡☎✖✗✭✙☎✎❃✡✗✍✣✷✔✟ ❀❄✡☎✍❅❀❆❇✝✯✙✜✍✣✆ ✝☎✘✹✙✜✏☎✕☞✙✳✄ ✕✗✞✺✙☎✬✌✝☎✕☎✍✣✿ ❀ ❈❅✝☎✝☎✄ ✞✦✙✜✏☎✡☎✞✠✝✑✆ ✖✓✴☎✡☞✎✑✝☎✍❅✘☎✡☎✖☎✭✙✳★✠✕☎✍✣✝✓✡☎✍✌✕✗✍✣✝✑✞✠✝☎✄✵✜✰❉✞✠✝☎✍☛✱✆ ✖✗✪☎✿ ❊✖☎✡☞✙☎✙✜✏☎✝✓✞✔✕✗✒✑✝✓✕☎✞✢✡☎✖✗✝✹✎✑✏☎✡✓★✔✕☎✍✣✝✚✵✛✁☎✄ ✄✬✫✵✛✆ ✪☎✁☎✍✣✝✗✞✢✡☎✁☞✙✳✕☎✄✙✜✝☎✍✣✖☎✕☞✙✜✆☛✌✝☎✞✔✿ ❋ ❙✹✡☎✖☎✭✙✳✕☎✍✣✪☎✁✗✝☎✿ ❍✙✜✕☞✙✛✝✯✬✌✡☎✁☎✍❅✡☞✎❃✖✓✍✣✝☎✕☎✄ ✆ ✞✻✙✜✆ ★✢✡☎✴☞✙✜✆✒✑✆ ✞✠✒✓✿ ❙✹✡☎✖☎✭✙✳✍✣✁☎✞✠✏✓✆ ✖☞✙✛✡✓✴☎✍✣✡☎✴☎✡✗✞✔✆ ✖☎✪✓✞✠✡☎✄ ✁☞✙✜✆ ✡☎✖☎✞✔✿ ❍✝☞✙✳✕✓❀❂✏☎✡☎✍✣✍✣✡☎✍❫✵✜✄ ✡☎✡☎✍✣✿ ❀ ❊❆❇✏☎✕☞✙✜✭ ✞✦✙✜✏☎✝✯✎❃✡☎✍✣✞✻✙☎✙✜✏☎✆ ✖☎✪✯✙✛✏☎✕✚✙✳★✔✡☎✁✗✄ ✘✑✏☎✕✗✴☎✴☎✝☎✖☎❬☎❋ ✂✝✓✍✣✝☎✕☎✘☞✬✢✙✜✡✯✙✛✕☎✷✠✝✓✕☎★✻✙✛✆ ✡☎✖✓✡☎✖✯✬✱✡✗✁☎✍✌✡☞✎✑✖☎✿ ❆❩✝☞✙✳✂✄ ✕☎✖☎✷✠✝☞✙ ❈❅✝☎✝☎✄ ✞✢✕☎✖☎✘✓✝☞●✌✝☎✍✙✜✞✦✙✛✏☎✝✓✆✒✓✴☎✍✣✝☎✞✠✞✔✆☛✌✝✓✡☞✵✳✕☎✶☎✞✠✡☎✄ ✁☞✙✜✝✑★✠✝☎✍✙✜✕☎✆ ✖☞✙✬✱✟☎✴☎✡✚✎❃✝☎✍✣✟☎✕✗✖☎✘✓✕☎✁☞✙✛✏✗✡☎✍✣✆✙✬ ❁ ✞✢✁☎✞✔✁✗✕☎✄ ✄✬✮✍✣✆ ✪☎✏☞✙ ✧✕☎✖☎✖☎✡☞✙✳✶☎✝✓✘☎✆ ✞✠✞✠✁☎✕☎✘☎✝☎✘✓✡☎✖☎★✠✝✑✡✗✖✑✕✓★✠✡☎✁☎✍✣✞✔✝✗✿ ✤✥✍✣✝☎✕☞✙✛✞✫✡☞✙✛✏✗✝☎✍✣✞✢✕☎✞✢✆ ✍✣✍✣✝☎✄ ✝✚☛✱✕☎✖☞✙✜✿ ❙✹✡✹✬✌✡☎✁☎✍❅✏☎✡☎✒✓✝☞✎❃✡✗✍✣✷✔✿ ❪✁☎✝☎✞✻✙✜✆ ✡☎✖✹✵✜✆ ✍✣✒✓✄✬✮✶☎✁☞✙✳✘☎✡✗✖☎✭✙✳★✠✡☎✖☞✵✛✍✣✡✗✖☞✙✛✿ ❳✂✍✣✝☎✞✠✝☎✖☞✙✳✕☎✄✙✛✝☎✍✣✖☎✕✚✙✛✆☛✌✝☎✞✢✕☎✞✢✘☎✝✚✙✛✡☎✁☎✍✣✞✠✿ P✂☛✌✡☎✆ ✘✓✶☎✝☎✆ ✖☎✪✓✕✑★✠✡☎✁☎✖✚✙✛✝☎✍✣✰✱✝☞●✱✴✗✝☎✍✙✛✿ ③✂✖☎✡☞✎✑✰❉✆✙✜✰❉✕✗✄ ✄ ❍✴☎✝☎✕✗✷✔✞✦✎✑✆✙✜✏✑✪☎✍✣✝✗✕☞✙✳✕☎✁☞✙✜✏☎✡☎✍✣✆✙✬✮✕☎✶☎✡☎✁☞✙✳✞✠✁☎✶☞■❏✝✗★✺✙✜✞✢❑☎✶☎✡☎✁☞✙✗✎❃✏☎✆ ★✠✏✓✏☎✝☞▲✜✞✔✏☎✝✓✏☎✕☎✞✢✄ ✆✙✙✜✄ ✝ ▼✵✙✛✝☎✖✓✡☎✖☎✄✬◆✴☎✕☎✍✙✜✆ ✕☎✄ ✄✬✮✕☞✎✑✕☎✍✣✝✓✏☎✝☞▲✛✞✠✏☎✝✓✆ ✞✢✞✠✴☎✝☎✕☎✷✠✆ ✖☎✪✑✶✗✝☞✬✱✡✗✖☎✘✹✙✜✏☎✝☎✆ ✍❅✷✔✖✗✡☞✎❃✄ ✝☎✘✗✪☎✝ ✷✠✖☎✡☞✎❃✄ ✝☎✘☎✪☎✝☎❖☎✴☎✍✣✝✚✙✛✝☎✖☎✘✗✞✦✙✛✡✓✶☎✝✓✕☎✖✓✝☞●✱✴✗✝☎✍✙ ❍✙✜✕☞✙✛✝✯✵✜✕☎★✺✙✜✞✢✕☎✞✢✕✗✖✑✕✗✄✙✛✝☎✍✣✖☎✕✚✙✛✆☛✌✝✹☛✌✝☎✍✣✞✠✆ ✡☎✖☎✿ ❭✆☛✌✝✑✶✗✕☎✄ ✄ ✡☎✡☎✖✓✕✯✎❃✕☞✬✮✡✗✁☞✙ ❊ ✆ ✖✓✴☎✍✣✆☛✱✕✚✙✛✝☎✟☎✆✵✂✴☎✡☎✞✔✞✠✆ ✶☎✄ ✝☎❋ ✂✕☎✄ ✄ ✡☎✡✗✖ ❁ ✞✢✴☎✄ ✝☎✕☎✞✠✕☎✖☞✙✳✕☎✖☎✘✓✞✠✁☎✴☎✴☎✡☎✍✙✜✆☛✌✝☎✟☎✶☎✁☞✙✳✕☞☛✌✡☎✆ ✘☎✞✢✘✗✝☎★✔✆ ✞✠✆ ✡☎✖✓✒✑✕✗✷✔✆ ✖☎✪✓✁☎✖☞✙✜✆ ✄✻✙✛✏☎✝✓✘☎✝☎★✠✆ ✞✔✆ ✡✗✖ ❴✹✆ ✖☞✙✛✞✫✕☎✖☎✘✓✶☎✝☎✕☞✙✜✞✢✕☎✍✣✡☎✁☎✖☎✘✯✙✜✏☎✝✑✶✗✁☎✞✔✏✓✕☎✞✢✕✓★✠✡☎✒✑✴✗✍✣✡☎✒✑✆ ✞✠✝✓✶☎✝☞✙✎✑✝☎✝☎✖✓✶☎✝☎✆ ✖✗✪✑✏☎✡✗✖☎✝☎✞✺✙ ❪✁☎✕☎✄ ✆✙✬✌✰❉✡☎✍✣✆ ✝☎✖✚✙✛✝☎✘☎✟✗★✔✕☎✖☎✭✙✂✄ ✝☞✙✳✪☎✡✓✡☞✵✳✞✠✡☎✒✑✝✚✙✛✏☎✆ ✖☎✪✓✁☎✖☞✙✜✆ ✄✠✆ ✞✢✴✗✝☎✍✵✛✝☎★✻✙✜✰❉✰❵✎✑✏☎✆ ★✠✏✑✒✓✝☎✕☎✖✗✞✢✖☎✝☞☛✌✝☎✍✣✿ ✸✹✕☎✖☎✷✢✕☎✄✙✜✝☎✍✣✖☎✕☞✙✜✆☛✱✝✗✞✔✿ ❲☎✆ ✖☎✷✢✴✗✄ ✕☎✖✹✙✜✡✯☛✱✕✗✄ ✁☎✝☎✞✢✡☞✵✳❑☎✁✗✕☎✄ ✆✙✬✮✕✗✖☎✘✑✞✠✝☎✍☛✌✆ ★✔✝✗✿ ❭✆☛✌✝✑✞✠✁☎✴☎✴✗✡☎✍✙✳✕☞✵✙✛✝☎✍❅✘☎✝☎★✠✆ ✞✔✆ ✡☎✖✓✆ ✞✢✒✓✕☎✘☎✝☎✿ ❈❅✡☎✄ ✄ ✡☞✎❛✁☎✴☎✿ ❭✝☞✙✳✏✗✆✒✹▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❫✙✛✡✓✘☎✝☎✞✠★✔✍✣✆ ✶✗✝✹✙✜✏☎✝✓✴☎✄ ✕☎✖✓✆ ✖✓✘☎✝☞✙✛✕✗✆ ✄ ✿ ④✹⑤♥⑥✌⑦ ⑦⑧❅⑨ ✆ ✞✢✒✓✕☎✘☎✝✯✵✛✡✗✍✌✏☎✆✒✯▲✛✏✗✝☎✍✣✿ ✕☎✖☎✘✓✖☎✡☞✙✳✏✗✁☎✍✙✛✆ ✖☎✪✓✞✠✡☎✒✓✝☎✡☎✖☎✝☎✿ P◗★✻✙✛✞✢✞✠✝☎✄✵✜✰❉✍✣✆ ✪☎✏✚✙✛✝☎✡☎✁✗✞✔✟☎✶☎✄ ✕✗✒✑✝☎✞✫✕☎✖☎✘✓✕☎★✔★✠✁☎✍✣✞✠✝☎✞✢✡☞✙✜✏☎✝☎✍✣✞✠✿ ❘✓✕☎✷✔✝☎✞✫✖☎✡✓✝☞✵✵✜✡☎✍✙☎✙✜✡✑✞✠✡☎✄☛✌✝✑✴✗✍✣✡☎✶☎✄ ✝☎✒ ❊✵✜✝☎✝☎✄ ✞✢✴☎✡✚✎❃✝☎✍✣✄ ✝✗✞✔✞✠❋ ❲☎✆ ✞✻✙✛✝☎✖✓✕☞✙✙✛✝✗✖☞✙✛✆☛✌✝☎✄✬✌✿ ❳✂✕☎✍✣✕☎✴✗✏☎✍✣✕☎✞✠✝✑✰✱✰✲✘☎✝☞✵✜✆ ✖☎✝✹✙✜✏☎✝✓✴☎✍✣✡☎✶☎✄ ✝☎✒✓✿ ⑩✫❶✌❷❨❸✌⑦⑥✌❹❺✌⑧✌⑨ ❍✎✑✆✙✛★✠✏✯✙✛✡✓✴☎✍✣✡☎✶☎✄ ✝✗✒✑✰✱✞✔✡☎✄☛✌✆ ✖☎✪✓✰❉✰◗✎✑✏☎✕☞✙☎✎✑✡☎✁☎✄ ✘✓✏☎✕☎✴☎✴☎✝✗✖✑✆✵✳✿ ✿ ✿ ❀❨❀❆❩✏☎✕☞✙✛✭ ✞❚✙✛✏☎✝✯✵✜✆ ✍✣✞✺✙✳✞✻✙✜✝☎✴☎❬☎❀ ❘✓✕☞✬✢✵✛✝✗✝☎✄✔✏✗✝☞▲✛✞✠✏☎✝✓✏☎✕☎✞✢✶☎✝☎✝✗✖✑✶☎✕✗★✔✷✠✝☎✘✓✆ ✖☞✙✛✡✓✕✓★✔✡✗✍✣✖☎✝☎✍✣✿ ✾✹✞✔✝☎✞✫✒✑✡☎✖☎✡✗✞✺✬✌✄ ✄ ✕☎✶☎✄ ✝☎✞✢✡✗✍✌✞✠✆ ✄ ✝☎✖☎★✠✝ ❊★✠✄ ✕☎✒✓✒✑✆ ✖✗✪✑✁☎✴✗❋✠✙✜✡✑✕✚☛✱✡☎✆ ✘✓★✠✡☎✖☞✵✛✄ ✆ ★✻✙✳✿ ✿ ✿✗✖☎✡☎✖☎✍✣✝☎✞✠✴☎✡☎✖☎✞✠✆☛✱✝ P◗✞✠✷✢✡☎✴☎✝☎✖☎✰✱✝☎✖☎✘☎✝☎✘✓❑☎✁☎✝✗✞✺✙✜✆ ✡☎✖☎✞✠✿ ✾✹✞✔✝✓✕✯✵✛✍✣✆ ✝☎✖✗✘☎✄✬✮✞✺✙✜✕☎✍✣✝✓✁☎✖☞✙✜✆ ✄✔★✠✄ ✕☎✒✽✍✣✝☎✞✠✴☎✡☎✖✗✘☎✞✔✿ ✧✡☎✒✑✒✓✝☎✖☞✙✳✡✗✖✹✎✑✏☎✕☞✙✜✭ ✞✢✏☎✕☎✴☎✴☎✝✗✖☎✆ ✖☎✪ ❊ ❀▼✁☎✍✌✒✓✝☎✝☞✙✜✆ ✖☎✪✓✞✔✝☎✝✗✒✑✞✦✙✜✡✓✶☎✝✓✕☞✙✳✕☎✖✓✆✒✑✴☎✕✗✞✔✞✠✝☎✿ ❀✼❋ ⑩✫⑦⑥✌❷ ✂✝✓✴☎✍✣✝☎✴☎✕☎✍✙✜✝☎✘✯✙✛✡✯✙✜✕☎✷✠✝✑✕☎★✻✙✜✆ ✡☎✖✑✡✗✖✹✬✌✡☎✁☎✍❅✡☞✎✑✖☎✿ ✧✡☎✒✑✴✗✍✣✡☎✒✑✆ ✞✠✝☞▲✜✖☎✝☎✪☎✡☞✙✜✆ ✕☞✙✜✝✑✆✵✳★✠✡☎✖☞✵✜✄ ✆ ★✺✙✂✕☎✍✣✆ ✞✔✝✗✞✔✿ ❈❅✡☎✄ ✄ ✡☞✎❜✙✜✏☎✍✣✡☎✁☎✪☎✏☎✿ ❭✝☞✙✳✏✗✆ ✞✺▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❅★✔✡☎✒✓✒✓✆✙✛✒✓✝☎✖☞✙✜✞✢✆ ✖✯✎❃✍✣✆ ✖☎✪☎✿ ❲☎✝☞✙✳✏✗✆✒✹▲✜✏☎✝☎✍❅✷✔✖☎✡✚✎❜✬✱✡☎✁✯☛✌✕☎✄ ✁☎✝✓✏☎✆✒✯▲✛✏☎✝☎✍❅✕☎✞✢✕✓✴☎✝☎✍✣✞✠✡☎✖✓✶☞✬✢✙✜✝☎✄ ✄ ✆ ✖☎✪✓✏☎✆✒✯▲✛✏☎✝☎✍❅✘☎✆ ✍✣✝☎★✻✙✛✄✬✌✿ ✧✡☎✒✑✒✓✆✙✜✞✦✙✛✡✓✕☎★✻✙✛✆ ✡☎✖✗✞✦✙✛✏✗✝☞✬✢✎❃✡✗✖☎✭✙✳✡☎✍❅★✔✕☎✖☎✭✙☎✵✛✡☎✄ ✄ ✡✚✎❜✙✛✏☎✍✣✡✗✁☎✪☎✏✓✡☎✖✑✰✱✰◗✙✛✡✓✞✻✙✛✕☞✬◆✡☎✖✓❀✼✪☎✡✗✡☎✘✹✙✜✝☎✍✣✒✓✞✔❀ ✤✥✝☎✄ ✄ ✞✦✬✌✡☎✁✹✎✑✏☎✕☞✙☎✬✌✡☎✁✯✎❃✕✗✖☞✙☎✙✛✡✓✏☎✝☎✕✗✍✣✟☎✶☎✁☞✙✳✄ ✝☞✙✜✞✦✬✌✡☎✁✓✘☎✡☞✎❃✖✓✆ ✖✓✕✓★✔✍✣✆ ✞✠✆ ✞✔✿ ❁ ✞✢✡☞✵✙✜✝☎✖✓✴☎✝☎✍✣✞✠✡☎✖☎✕☎✶☎✄ ✝✗✟☞✵✛✁☎✖✗✖☞✬✱✟☎✡✗✁☞✙✛✪☎✡✗✆ ✖☎✪☎✿ ✎✑✆✙✛✏✓✡☞✙✜✏☎✝☎✍✣✞✠✿ ④✹❻✌❸❅⑧✌⑨✂❼✹❽✌⑨✛⑧✌⑧✌⑥✌❾❅⑦⑧ ❁ ✞✢✡☞✵✙✜✝☎✖✓✆ ✖✓✕✑✴☎✡✚✎❃✝☎✍❅✴☎✡☎✞✠✆ ✡✗✖☎✿ ❙✹✡☎✝☎✞✔✖✗✭✙✳★✔✡✗✖☞✙✛✍✣✆ ✶☎✁✚✙✛✝✓✕☎✖☞✬✠✙✛✏☎✆ ✖✗✪✹✙✜✡✯✙✛✏☎✝✓✕☎★✻✙✛✁☎✕✗✄✺✙✜✝☎✕☎✒✽✝☞✵✵✜✡☎✍✙✛✿ ✾✹✖☎✘☎✝☎✍✣✞✻✙✛✕☎✖✗✘✹✎✑✏☞✬✢✙✜✏☎✝✓✴☎✝☎✍✣✞✔✡✗✖✑✆ ✞❚✙✛✏☎✝☎✍✣✝✓✰✱✰✲✏☎✝☞▲✛✞✠✏☎✝✓✒✑✕✚✬✮✡☎★✔★✠✁☎✴☞✬◆✕✑✍✣✡☎✄ ✝✓✴☎✡☎✞✠✆✙✜✆ ✡☎✖✓✆ ✖✹✙✜✏☎✝✯✵✛✡☎✍✣✒✓✕☎✄ ✤✥✍✬✮✕☎✞✠✞✔✝☎✍✙✜✆☛✱✝✗✖☎✝☎✞✔✞✫✆✵☎✙✛✏✗✝✑✴☎✝✗✍✣✞✔✡☎✖✓✶☎✝☎★✠✡☎✒✓✝☎✞✢✘☎✆✵ ★✠✁☎✄✙✜✿ ✴☎✡☞✎✑✝☎✍❅✞✺✙✜✍✣✁☎★✻✙✛✁☎✍✣✝✯✙✜✏☎✕☞✙✳✆ ✞✢✆✒✓✴☎✡☎✍✙✜✕☎✖☞✙☎✙✜✡✹✙✜✏☎✝✓✞✔✒✓✡☎✡☞✙✜✏✯✵✛✁☎✖✗★✺✙✜✆ ✡☎✖☎✆ ✖☎✪✓✡☞✵☎✙✜✏☎✝✓✆ ✖☞✵✛✡☎✍✣✒✓✕☎✄✠✴☎✡☞✎✑✝☎✍✌✞✻✬✌✞✺✙✜✝☎✒✓✿ ❿⑧✌⑥✌➀❅➁✫❶✌❶✌➀ ❍✙✜✝☎✕☎✄ ✞✢★✠✍✣✝☎✘☎✆✙☎✵✜✡☎✍❅✡☞✙✛✏☎✝✗✍✣✞✔✭✠✕☎★✠✏☎✆ ✝☞☛✱✝✗✒✑✝☎✖☞✙✜✞✠✟☎✆ ✘☎✝☎✕☎✞✠✟☎✍✣✡☎✄ ✝☎✞✠✟☎✡☎✍✣✪☎✕☎✖✗✆ ✩✔✕☞✙✜✆ ✡☎✖☎✕☎✄✠✕☎✶☎✆ ✄ ✆✙✜✆ ✝☎✞✠✟☎✝☞✙✛★✠✿ ✧✡☎✖☞✵✛✍✣✡✗✖☞✙☎✙✛✏✗✝✑✴☎✄ ✕☎✪☎✆ ✕☎✍✣✆ ✞✻✙✳✆ ✖✹✵✜✍✣✡☎✖☞✙✂✡☞✵✳✕✓✒✑✁☞✙✜✁☎✕☎✄ ✄✬✮✍✣✝☎✞✠✴☎✝☎★✻✙✜✝☎✘✹✙✜✏☎✆ ✍✣✘✓✴☎✕☎✍✙✬✱✿ ❯✂✒✓✴☎✏☎✕☎✞✠✆ ✩✔✝✯✙✜✏☎✝✯✙✛✝☎✕☎✒❱✝☞✵✵✜✡☎✍✙✜✟☎✆✵✳✕☎✴☎✴☎✄ ✆ ★✠✕☎✶☎✄ ✝☎✿ ❈❅✡☎✍✠✎✑✍✣✆✙✙✛✝☎✖✓✒✓✕☞✙✛✝☎✍✣✆ ✕☎✄ ✟☎✞✔✝✗✖☎✘✑✕✗✘☎✘☎✆✙✛✆ ✡✗✖☎✕☎✄✔★✠✡☎✴☎✆ ✝✗✞✢✡☞✵✳✆✙✜✟☞✎❃✆✙✜✏✯✬✱✡☎✁☎✍❅✖☎✕☎✒✓✝✓✡☎✖✓✆✙✛✟☞✙✜✡✓✴☎✝☎✡☎✴☎✄ ✝✓✏☎✆ ✪☎✏☎✝☎✍ ✙✜✏☎✕☎✖✯✙✛✏☎✝✓✴☎✄ ✕☎✪☎✆ ✕✗✍✣✆ ✞✺✙✜✿ ➂➃❺✌⑧❨➄❇➅✌❶❨➆✂⑥✌➇➈⑧❅➉ ❼✹⑦ ⑦➈⑤♥➅✌⑧❨⑩✫⑨❂⑧✌➀❅❹ ⑤ ➊❂➋✯⑦⑥✌❽❅❹⑥❅⑨❂❹ ➉➈⑤♥➌ ④✹❶✌❻❅⑨❂➍➈⑧❅➎ ❿⑨✛➏✌➐✹➏✌➐✯⑨❂❻✌❸❅⑧✌⑨ ➊❂➐✯⑥✌➑➃➄➒❹ ⑦ ⑦ ❹⑥✌❷❨➉➈➓✌➔✯❶✌⑧✌❹❺✌❽✌➌