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《高级软件工程》学习资料(英文版)Can programming language influence correctness?

Can programming language influence correctness? anguages affect the way we think about problems The tools we use have a profound(and devious) influence on our thinking habits, and, therefore on our thinking abilities?

Can programming language influence correctness? anguages affect the way we think about problems The tools we use have a profound(and devious) influence on our thinking habits, and, therefore on our thinking abilities? Dijkstra, 1982 Additional experimental evidence C130J software written in a variety of languages by a variety of vendors All certified to Do-178B standards(FAA) Then subjected to a major Iv&v exercise by the MoD Significant, safety-related errors found in Level a certified SoTtWare Residual error rate of ada code on aircraft was one tenth that of code written in c Residual error rate of SPARK code(Ada subset)one tenth da cod

Can programming language influence correctness? Languages affect the way we think about problems: "The tools we use have a profound (and devious) influence on our thinking habits, and, therefore on our thinking abilities?" Dijkstra, 1982 Additional experimental evidence: C130J software written in a variety of languages by a variety of vendors. All certified to DO−178B standards (FAA). Then subjected to a major IV&V exercise by the MoD Significant, safety−related errors found in Level A certified software Residual error rate of Ada code on aircraft was one tenth that of code written in C. Residual error rate of SPARK code (Ada subset) one tenth that of the Ada code



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