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Chapter 34Quantum Mechanics 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Schrodinger's Equation
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Chapter 12 Oscillations 1. Concepts of Simple Harmonic Motion 2. Expression Methods of SHM 3. Energy in SHM Pendulums Superposition of Oscillations
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爱因斯坦: Albert einstein 现代时空的创始人(1879-1955)
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Chapter 25 Magnetism 1. Magnet and Magnetic Field 2. Definition of Magnetic Field 3. Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field 4. Torque on a Current Loop
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Chapter 22Conductor Dielectrics. ElectricEnergy Storage Capacitance Dielectrics Energy Stored in an Electric Field
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Chapter 10 11 Rotational Motion About Fixed Axis Torque, Rotational Inertia and Law Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Angular Momentum and Conservation of Angular Momentum
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Chapter 21 Electric Potential 1. Electric Potential and Potential Difference 2. Relation Between Electric Potential and Electric Field 3. The Calculation of Electric Potential 4. Equipotential Surfaces 5. Electrostatic Potential Energy
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Chapter 10 11 Rotational Motion About Fixed Axis Rigid Body Rotational Inertia Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Angular Momentum and Conservation of Angular Momentum
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Chapter 20 Gauss's Law A statement of the relationship between electric charge and electric field. Electric Flux 2 Gauss's Law 3 Application of Gauss's Law
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Chapter 10&11 Rotational Motion Angular Quantities Torque Angular Momentum Conservation of Angular Momentum
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