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A cosine voltage is zero and increasing at t=-1 6ms; the next zero crossing occurs at t 4.65ms. (a)Calculate T, f, and @.(b) If v(0)=20V, find v(t).(c)By what angle does v(t) I(t)=5cos(t-110°)A? 2 For the sinusoidal waveform shown in
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Let vs=100 cos a t V in the circuit shown in Fig. 9-12.(a) Find the equivalent parallel RLC circuit and then determine resonant frequency @r, Q, and v(t).(b) Find i, (t),i2(t), and i3(t) (c)Calculate the average power loss in the 10 kQ2 resistor and the maximum energy stored in the inductor
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I If f(t)=100 for 04.(a) Calculate v at t=T/4.(b) Find the average power delivered by this waveform to a 5Q2 resistor 3 Let v(t)=3-3 cos(100 t-40)+4 sin(200 T t-10)+2.5 cos 300 tt V Find: (a)the average value Var;(b)the rms value V;(c)the period T; (d)v(18ms)
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7.1.1在图题7.1.1所示的各电路中,哪些元件组成了级间反馈通路?它们所引入的反馈 是正反馈还是负反馈?是直流反馈还是交流反馈?(设各电路中电容的容抗对交流信号均可忽 略) 解图题7.1.1a中,由电阻R2、R1组成反馈通路,引入负反馈,交、直流反馈均有;b图中, 由Ra引入负反馈,交、直流反馈均有,由Rn、R引入直流负反馈;c图中,由R1、Ra引入负反 馈,交、直流反馈均有;d图中,由R2、R1引入负反馈,交、直流反馈均有;e图中,由A2、R3引人 负反馈,交、直流反馈均有:图中,由R。引入负反馈,交、直流反馈均有
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1、约束项、任意项和无关项 (1)约束项 例如:有三个逻辑变量A、B、C,它们分别表示一台电动机正转、反转和停止的命令
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1.1电阻电路 [1]电量和电流(图1.1) 电荷的流动叫做电流。现在,假设在t秒钟内有电量为Q[C]的电荷均匀流过某导体的横截面,那么导体中流过电
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I Consider the graph shown in Fig. 15-15. Denote the tree made up of b 6, bs, and b, by t (a)Find all the fundamental loops of this graph corresponding to T (b) Find all the fundamental cutsets of this graph corresponding to t (c) Write the incidence matrix of this graph choose n 4 as the datum
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Example 2: Find the three inductance appearing in the T equivalent of the transformer shown in Fig., if L2=4H and the input inductance at A-B is 6H with C-D open-circuited, and 2H with C-D short-circuited
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13-2基本信号的拉普拉斯变换 1、单位阶跃函数c(t)
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微型计算机的基本组成有三部分,即中央处理器 CPU(通常包括运算器和控制器)+存储器+输入/输出(I/O) 接口。若将组成计算机的基本部件集成在一块芯片上,则 俗称为单片微机。 80C51内部结构如图2-1所示,主要包括中央处理 器CPU(算术逻辑部件ALU、控制器等)、只读存储器 ROM、随机存取存储器RAM、定时器/计数器、并行IO 口P0~P3、串行口、中断系统以及定时控制逻辑电路等
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