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sequence. The balanced source supplies IMW and 0.2M VAR. If R, =12, find: (a) the line current;(b)Zp; ()the transmission efficiency
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《认知神经科学》课程教学资源(参考文献)[Binder, J. R., Frost, J. A., Hammeke, T. A., Cox, R. W., Rao, S. M., & Prieto, T.(1997)] Human brain language areas identified by functional magnetic resonance imaging
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《21世纪大学英语 21st Century College English》课程教学资源(教案讲义)21世纪第三册第八单元 Text A The Highs of Low Technology、Text B Why I’m Not Going to Buy a Computer
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Optimization of Separated Spacecraft Interferometer Trajectories in the Absence of A Gravity-Well Edmund M Kong Prof david w, miller MIT Space Systems Laboratory 20th March 1998 Space Systems Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Word13 multimedia[. mAl i''midjn.多媒体 describe[dis k]v.描述,形容 mixture['m tfan.混合,混合物 consequent['kon wan]a.作为结果的,随之发生的
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本章主要参考文献: 174, 135, 93 Bawa, S D a research bibliography, M S , 1982, 698-712§5.1 Markowitz 模型记:
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Reading Assignment: Kinetics, Vac. Tech: Campbell, 10.1-1. 4(or Ohring Ch 2) 1. Consider a vacuum system at room temperature that has been pumped down to a 10 m-Torr with mostly nitrogen as determined from the residual gas analyzer. Make an in
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1.垂直于板面方向磁化则为垂直于磁场方向 退磁场Hd=-NM 大薄片材料,退磁因子Na=Nb=0,Nc=1 所以Hd=-M=-= J 1Wb/m2 4×10-7Hm =7.96×105A/m
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以退火纯铁粉末为原料,采用粉末退火结合高速压制技术的方法制得高密度压坯(7.70 g·cm-3),经烧结后获得高密度高性能的纯铁软磁材料.研究退火粉末的高速压制行为,以及烧结时间和烧结温度对材料磁性能和晶粒大小的影响.结果显示:退火粉末的压坯密度随压制速度的增加而增加,压坯密度最高可达到7.70 g·cm-3,相对密度可达到98.10%.烧结温度为1450℃,烧结时间为4 h时,材料密度达到7.85 g·cm-3,相对密度为99.96%,最大磁导率达到13.60 m H·m-1,饱和磁感应强度为1.87 T,矫顽力为56.50 A·m-1
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一、选择题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1. ISO 标准规定绝对尺寸方式的指令为( )。 (A) G90 (B) G91 (C) G92 (D) G98 2. 加工程序段的结束部分常用( )表示。 (A) M02 (B) M30 (C) M00 (D) LF
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