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Computational geometry Algorithms for solving geometric problems in 2D and higher Fundamental objects: o point line segment
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Ch. 23 Cointegration 1 Introduction An important property of (1) variables is that there can be linear combinations of theses variables that are I(O). If this is so then these variables are said to be cointegrated. Suppose that we consider two variables Yt and Xt that are I(1) (For example, Yt= Yt-1+ St and Xt= Xi-1+nt.)Then, Yt and Xt are said to be cointegrated if there exists a B such
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Solving recurrences The analysis of merge sort from Lecture I required us to solve a recurrence Recurrences are like solving integrals erential equations, etc o Learn a few tricks Lecture 3: Applications of recurrences
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Ch. 22 Unit root in Vector Time series 1 Multivariate Wiener Processes and multivari- ate FCLT Section 2.1 of Chapter 21 described univariate standard Brownian motion W(r) as a scalar continuous-time process(W: rE0, 1-R). The variable W(r) has a N(O, r)distribution across realization, and for any given realization, w(r) is continuous function of the date r with independent increments. If a set of k such independent processes, denoted
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第一节动物营养学基本知识 一、动植物体的营养物质组成 高等动物按其食性可分为杂食动物、草食动物及肉食动物等三大类。在动物生产中,为 人类提供畜产品或动力的动物则主要是杂食动物,作为人类及动物基本营养源的食物均系植 物或其副产品,作为动物食物的植物及其副产品,含有可供构成和更新动物体组织及形成 产品的营养物质,并能氧化产生能量以维持动物的生命活动。植物利用太阳能,以CO2,H2O 等原料合成脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质,动物则利用植物体内的这些营养物质。二者在化 学组成上有密切的联系,为了正确与合理地组织畜禽饲养,必须首先了解动物与植物的组成
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第一章概述 1计算机系统和系统结构 一、计算机系统的组成 由硬件和软件组成。 1.硬件:可视为多种资源: (1)处理信息资源CPU; (2)存储信息资源—存储器; (3)交换信息资源I/O设备。 2.软件:即程序 (1)系统软件:各用户共同使用,如操作系统(OS),编译/解释程序,汇编程序,诊断程序等 (2)应用软件:为解决用户问题编写的程序
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一、红、蓝宝石 什么是红、蓝宝石? 红、蓝宝石是宝石级的刚。其中红色者(中 等深浅的红色到暗红至紫红)称红宝石,其它 颜色者称蓝宝石,包括粉红色的也是蓝宝石。 其它颜色的蓝宝石可用前置形容词修饰命名, 如黄色蓝宝石。 刚玉是自然界产出的,主要成分为A2O3,具 有三方对称的矿物
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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The first question we need to ask ourselves s What is“ Organic Chemistry\?
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1点估计 设总体X的分布函数F(x,0)的形式为已知,O是待估参数 X1…Xn是X的一个样本,x1…x,是相应的样本值 点估计问题:
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