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一、名词解释 VVM: Yx/s:: YP/: KL: kia::D: Derit Ks: Km: Yp/: Wmax; qco2:: td: YA;补料分批发酵;临界氧浓度:呼吸商:过滤效虑;雷诺准数:比热死速率常数(K) 活塞流反应器(PF);连续式全混流型反应器(CFSTR)返混连续培养;高密度培养; 补料培养:生产强度;固定化酶:固定化细胞;传氧效率
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Step One: Leading-in Activities: 1. Watch the short movies of Chaplin. 2. Discussion: (1) What do the famous people's lives look like in your eye? (2) Do you want to be famous one day? Why or why not? And (3) What do you usually do in your
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Hybrid Mode Estimation and Gaussian Filtering with Hybrid HMMs Stanislav funiak 16. 412/6.834 Lecture, 15 March 2004 References Hofbaur, M. W, and Williams, B C(2002). Mode estimation of probabilistic hybrid systems. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Hscc 2002 Funiak, S, and Williams, B. C (2003 ). Multi-modal particle filtering for hybrid systems with autonomous mode transitions. In: DX-2003 SafeProcess 2003 Lerner, U.,R. Parr, D. Koller and G. Biswas(2000). Bayesian fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic
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Mapping Topics: Topological Maps SLAM HMMs Revisited Additional reading: B. J. Kuipers Y.-T. Byun. 1991. \A robot exploration and mapping strategy based on a semantic hierarchy of spatial rep rstations. jour. s and
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The experience of the 1960s has shown that for military aircraft the cost of the final increment of performance usually is excessive in terms of other characteristics and that the overall system must be optimized, not just performance Ref: Current State of the art of Multidisciplinary design Optimization
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Definitions of Modeling and simulation physics-based modeling empirical modelIng Model/simulation Development Process module identification module ordering: DSM,'s and N2 diagrams module coding fidelity and benchmarking model execution simulation Computational Issues
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SAS绘制的统计图不太美观;而SPSS绘制的统计图较为美观,可以满足 大多数情况下的要求;STATA绘制的统计图形最为精美,但由于它采用命令行 方式操作,美观的图形需要添加大量选项普通人不易掌握;而s-plS、 MATHLAB等偏数理统计的软件虽然绘图能力也非常强,但由于自身的定位问 题,并不为大多数人所熟悉。因此,在各种统计软件中,以SPSS制作的统计图 应用最为广泛
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1、水准测量的原理及S3水准仪的使用; 2、五等水准测量的施测方法及成果计算;(难点) 3、水准仪主要轴线应满足的几何条件 4、水准测量中应注意的问题
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献给彭ト罗克和芒特高梅利伯爵托马斯(Right Hon ourable, Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and ontgomery)男爵 何赫巴特( Baron Herbert of Cardiff)、勋爵罗斯 Lord Ross of K endal, Par, Fitzhugh, M armion, St. Q uintin and Shurland)、今上底枢密院总裁( President of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council、兼威尔德、南 威尔士两郡民政长(Lord Lieutenant of- the County of ilts and of Sousth ales)大人: 这部论文底完成是大人亲眼所见的,它之出而问世,亦 是受命于大人的,因此,它现在就凭其应有的权利,来要求 大人赏给它数年前所允许的那层保障。我并不以为只要在书 首署上任何一个大名,就能把书中的错误遮掩了
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computers. Passage D. To warn against mentally lazy attitude towards In what now seem like the prehistoric times of computers. computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite 22. According to the passage, the initial concern about
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