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上海交通大学:公共管理类《专业英语》课程教学资源(阅读材料)Structured inter-network collaboration Public participation in tourism planning in Southern China
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Meat is chilled immediately after slaughter. Most of the subsequent opera- tions in the cold chain are designed to maintain the temperature of the meat Cooking is a very common operation in the production of many meat products and operators appreciate the importance of rapidly cooling the cooked product. However, any handling such as cutting, mixing or tumbling will add heat to the meat and increase its temperature. A secondary cooling
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1. Historical Background oo Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made artists self-conscious about American subjects o The spiritual life in the colonies during that period was molded by the bourgeois Enlightenment
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Introduction By and large, I will follow OR, Chapters 1l and 12, so I will keep these notes to a minimum. J Games with observed actions and payoff uncertainty Not all dynamic models of strategic interaction fit within the category of games with observed actions we have developed in the previous lectures. In particular, no allowance was made for payoff uncertainty
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Introduction By and large, I will follow OR, Chap. 8, so I will keep these notes to a minimum. ] The theory of repeated games is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it indicates how payoff profiles that are not consistent with Nash equilibrium in a simultaneous-move game might be achieved when the latter is played repeatedly, in a manner consistent with Nash or even subgame-perfect equilibrium On the other hand, it shows that essentially every individually rational payoff profile can
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Introduction The notion of subgame perfection is the cornerstone of the theory of extensive games. It embodies its key intuitions-and provides a vivid example of the difficulties inherent in such a theor But, above all, it has proved to be extremely profitable in a variety of applications. More- over, it has spawned a huge theoretical literature which has attempted(often successfully
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Since the mid-1980s there has been a considerable increase in legislation defining maximum temperatures during the production, distribution and retailing of chilled food. However, as soon as the food is purchased by the consumer, it is outside of any of these legislative requirements. Increasingly food poisoning incidents have been found to be due to mishandling of food in the home with insufficient refrigeration or cooling being the most fre
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