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Acute Coronary Syndromes cute myocardial infarction (AMD and unstable angina rest \and Part 7.3: \Management of Symptomatic Brady- ollec-cardia and Tachycardia\) An overview of recommended care for the ACS patient is illustrated in Figure 1, the Acute Coronary Syndromes
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Water and Sodium Metabolism Control of water excretion Control of sodium excretion Hyponatremia and hypernatremia
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Cac a aohithrnnas she u (do ommon cause of sudden death A comprehensive presentation of the evaluation and man- be established on as agement of bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias is beyond possible for all patients who collapse suddenly or have the scope of these
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Frhythms produce pulseless cardiac arrest: ventricular effective for fluid resuscitation, drug delivery, and blood fibrillation (VF), rapid ventricular tachycardia (VT), sampling for laboratory evaluation, and is attainable in all age useless electrical activity(PEA), and asystole. Surviva
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14.1 Enrichment and Isolation 14.2 Isolation 14.3 General Staining Methods 14.4 Phylogenetic staining using FISH 系统发育学染色: FISH技术 14.5 PCR Methods of Microbial Community Analysis 14.6 Microarrays and Microbial Diversity: Phylochips 系统发育学微阵列(芯片) 14.7 Environmental Genomics and Related Methods
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13.15 Fermentations: Energetic and redox consideration 13.16 Fermentative Diversity 13.17 Fermentations lacking substrate level phosphorylation 13.18 Anaerobic respiration: : General Principles 13.19 Nitrate reduction and Denitrification硝酸还原与反硝化 13.20 Sulfate Reduction 硫还原 13.21 Methanogenesis 产甲烷过程 13.22 Other Electron Acceptors
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Automated External Defibrillators Defibrillation Cardioversion, and Pacing his chapter presents guidelines for defibrillation with Delays to either start of CPR or defibrillation can reduce automated external defibrillators(AEDs) and manual survival from SCA. In the 1990s some predicted that CPR defibrillators, synchronized cardioversion, and pacing. AEDs could be rendered obsolete by the widespread development of may be used by lay rescuers
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3.1 Light Microscopy 3.2 Three-Dimentsional Imaging: Interference Contrast, Atomic Force, and Confocal Scanning 3.3 Electron Mciroscopy 3.4 Cell Morphology and the Significance of Being Small
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1 Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 1. Experiments ① A magnet and ② two loops of wire,a loop of wire battery and a switch A current is observed in the loop as long as the magnetic flux through the loop is changing with time
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1, Cases 2, Brief Ideas of Liberalism 3, Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus 4, Hayek and the Denationalization of Money 5, Friedman and Economic Freedom 6,Conclusion
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