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In order to determine the interactions between copper atoms and rubber molecules, this article used X-ray diffraction to analyse the cure specimen of size materials mixed with copper powder for the first time, found the atomic nucleus distances between copper and atoms in rubber molecules were equal to 0.23169nm and 0.3043nm. 0.3043nm reflected the atomic distance between Cu and S under the action of Van der Waals force. 0.23169nm stated that there was chemical interaction between Cu atoms and rubber molecules
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第一章 生产与运作管理概述 Introduction to the Production and Operations 第二章 质量管理 Quality Management 第三章 项目管理 Project Management 第四章 产品与过程设计 Design of Product and Process 第五章 设施与作业设计 Design of Facilities and Jobs 第六章 生产能力与计划 Capacity and Planning 第七章 独立需求系统 Systems for Independent Demand 第八章 相关需求管理 Management for Dependent Demand 第九章 进度计划和控制 Scheduling and Control 第十章 新型生产系统 New Production Systems
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In this paper the phase diagrams of LaCl3-LiCl and CeCl3-LiCl systems have been experimentally determined and theoretically calculated. Bath are simple eutectic systems. The eutectic points are at 25mol% LaCl3, 508℃ and 27mol% CeCl3, 494℃, respectively. The optimized phase diagrams and thermodynamical data of LaCl3-LiCl and CeCl3-LiCl systems with self consistency are a better basis for constructing ternary phase diagrams
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The physico-chemical behavior of rare earth elements in low sulphur 16Mn steel and their ability to enhance the corrosion resistance of the steel in sea water studied in this paper. The results indicate that Ce and La in 16Mn steel all have the abilities such as deoxidation, desulphidation, refining grains and cleaning grain boundaries and matrix etc. The anodic and cathodic polarization curves show that the rare earth elements added in 16Mn steel enhance the corrosion resistance of the steel in sea water
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Section 1 Concept of Tumor Section 8 Characteristics of benign versus malignant tumor Section 2 Morphology 0f tumors Section 9 Precancerous lesion, dysplasia and Carcinoma in situ Section 3 Differentiation and Atypia of tumors Section 10 Molecular basis of tumors Section 4 Nomenclature and classification of tumors Section 11 Carcinogenic agents of environment Section 5 Growth and spreading of tumors Section 12 Inheritance and tumors Section 6 Grading and staging of tumors Section 13 Tumor immunity Section 7 Effects of tumors to man Section 14 Common tumors
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CHAPTER 1 Developmental Anatomy CHAPTER 2 Developmental Genetics CHAPTER 3 Cell-Cell Communication in Development CHAPTER 4 Fertilization CHAPTER 5 Early Development in Selected Invertebrates CHAPTER 6 The Genetics of Axis Specification in Drosophila CHAPTER 7 Amphibians and Fish CHAPTER 8 Birds and Mammals CHAPTER 9 The Emergence of the Ectoderm CHAPTER 10 Neural Crest Cells and Axonal Specificity CHAPTER 11 Paraxial and Intermediate Mesoderm CHAPTER 12 Lateral Plate Mesoderm and the Endoderm CHAPTER 13 Development of the Tetrapod Limb CHAPTER 14 Sex Determination^ CHAPTER 15 Postembryonic Development CHAPTER 16 The Saga of the Germ Line CHAPTER 17 Medical Aspects of Developmental Biology CHAPTER 18 Developmental Plasticity and Symbiosis CHAPTER 19 Developmental Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change
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总线的基本概念 PCI、GPIB、串行总线的特点及其系统集成方法 3.1总线(BUS) 3.2PCI总线及其在测控中的应用( PCI Bus and Application on the Measurement and Control) 3.3GPIB(General Purpose Bus)接口总线及 其在测控中的应用(GPIB Bus and Application on the Measurement and Control) 3.4串行通信及其在测控中的应用(Serial Bus and Application on the Measurement and Control) ●本节学习重点: 串行通信总线的信号线的名称及其之间的连接方法; ●PXI总线的电气特性; ●LXI总线的特点。 3.5PX1总线及其在测控中的应用
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There is ahvays a temporary tradeoff befween inflation and unemploy from inflation per se, but from unanticipated inflation, which generally means, from a rising rate of inflation Milton friedman Most economists analyze short-run fluctuations in aggregate income and the price level using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. In the IS-LM modek hapters, we examined aggregate demand in some detail. The IS-LM model-together with its open-economy cousin the Mundell-Fleming model-shows how changes in monetary and fiscal policy and shocks to the money and goods markets shift the aggregate demand curve. In this chapter
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When conducting monetary and fiscal policy, policymakers often look be- yond their own country's borders Even if domestic prosperity is their sole ob jective, it is necessary for them to consider the rest of the world. The international flow of goods and services and the international flow of capital can affect an economy in profound ways. Policymakers ignore these effects at In this chapter we extend our analysis of aggregate demand to include inter- national trade and finance. The model developed in this chapter, called the Mundell-Fleming model, is an open-economy version of the IS-LM model. Both models stress the interaction between the goods market and the money market. Both models assume that the price level is fixed and then show what
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Aggregate Demand ll Science is a parasite: the greater the patient population the better the ad ance in physiology and pathology; and out of pathology arises therapy The year 1932 was the trough of the great depression, and from its rotten soil was belatedly begot a new subject that today we call macroeconomics In Chapter 10 we assembled the pieces of the IS-LM model. We saw that the IS curve represents the equilibrium in the market for goods and services, that the LM curve represents the equilibrium in the market for real money balances, and that the IS and LM curves together
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