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Unit 2 Invitation and Arrangement of visits 邀请与答复 Dear Mr/Ms We should like to invite you to attend the 2003 International Fair which will be held from april 29 to May 4 at the above address. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend Yours faithfully
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报考专业:国际金融考试科目:国际金融 说明:用英语命题和答题 attention all questions must be answered in english 1. explain the following term 30 points) (1)joint intervention (2)hultiple currency reserve system (3) free convertibility (4)exchange equalization fund (5) spot exchange dealings (6) international liquidi (7) interest rate swap
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Laboratory/facility commissioning may be defined as the systematic review and documentation process signifying that specified laboratory structural components, systems and/or system components have been installed, inspected, functionally tested and verified to meet national or international standards, as appropriate
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目录 1.国际贸易的一般原因 2国际贸易的好处 3比较优势原理 4国际贸易的均衡 5国际贸易壁垒 6.贸易保护主义理论 7本章小结
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• Definition •Main parties involved •General procedure •Method of releasing documents •Characteristics •Risks analysis •Accomodation
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1.了解国际货物贸易各环节及其主要工作内容; 2.明确进出口交易前准备工作的主要内容; 3.掌握出口经营方案的制定; 4.了解贸易洽商的一般程序和要领以及签订书面合同应注意的问题
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本章学习重点: 1.重点掌握进出口商品检验的含义、意义、内容、商品检验的时间和地点及商品检验证书的种类等; 2.了解索赔的含义及对合同中索赔条款的规定; 3.了解不可抗力的含义、范围及规定不可抗力条款时应注意的问题
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本章学习重点: 1.掌握商品品质的表示方法理解品质条款的内容; 2.掌握数量条款及数量机动幅度的规定办法;
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本章学习重点: 1.了解国际技术贸易的概念及内容; 2.掌握国际技术贸易的方式与许可合同;技术交流 3.理解国际技术贸易中的价格、支付方式、税费等问题;
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Space policy Notes on Space Law and policy Derived from multiple sources. Please see bibliography at end of notes mportant Lecture themes Space law\is international law, governed by treaties and custom Space policy\is set by individual nations or subgroups within a nation, and typically
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